Chapter 19

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The next morning I spent with Mike and my grandma. She demanded that we had breakfast with each other just like the old days.

Ever since my grandpa died she been a little more open and adventurous. My grandpa was a hard working businessman and my grandma was practically like his assistant for his huge business, so she was always busy but by his side.

"Mikey any girls in bed yet" my grandma asked.

"Nonna I love you, but that's for me to know."

"Oh come on Michael, I'm 71 years old I'm pretty sure I know what happens. I've been there myself probably. Now tell me what's going on, I need some entertainment."

"Well nothing is going on right now. I haven't really seen a girl in a few months."

"What. That's a whole record for you" I laughed.

"I know it's embarrassing. I don't want to talk about it" mike said.

"Well Y/n I know I don't have to ask you about your sex life, seeing you got a baby on the way. Besides the baby on the way, what's new and exciting with you and Mr. Logan Paul" my grandma asked me.

"Well um. We got a pig named Pearl Bing Bing and our big trip to Paris after the fight was exciting."

"Is he going to put a ring on it soon?"

"I'm not sure. But I think that would be cool if he did. I really like him."

"See Michael, your sister beat you to the baby and marriage party. Catch up" my grandma yelled jokingly.

"Actually talking about Mike. I really need to tell him something before Logan does."

Mike sighed and shook his head, "Oh god again with this! Now what".

"Well Logan was planning on asking you too move into the Maverick house and start working for his business and the podcast that's about to start. He wants you here in Encino with us."

Mike was shocked. He always put his family and friends that he cared about the most in front of him and that's set him back a bit. He's lost a lot of opportunities to have a good job. Ever since his drug problem years ago, Mike widen his eyes and saw that the world is a hard place to live in and make a living in besides drugs. He has worked really hard to be where he is today and now it's payed off.

Mike was speechless, "Wow. I don't know what to say. Thank you so much" he said giving me a hug.

"Don't tell Logan I told you when the time comes. He will kill me."

"Good now Michael can finally find himself a few girls from here" my grandma said as she put down her coffee cup.

Me and mike both laughed hysterically,
"Nonna oh my god!" We yelled.

My grandma insisted she payed for the bill just like old times and we walked back to the car.

"So Nonna, What do you think of Logan? Do you like him?" Mike asked from the backseat.

"He's a very nice man. He does a lot by himself for his age with his company. And
Y/n you do such a good job helping him. No wonder you guys get along so well. You two remind me of myself and your Nonno when we were young."

"How did you meet Nonno"I asked.

"Same way you and Logan did. When your Nonno inherited his fathers business, he was looking for a new assistant to help him out. I came from a very poor family when I came from Italy so I applied to many jobs to help my family. Your Nonno was the only one who called me back. At first we didn't get along for a while at all, until he asked me on a date. And it was love since."

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