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Hello again.

Before I get going on what I want to post today I want to thank you all so much. I have received such overwhelming support from all of you and it's so appreciated, thank you. As you can imagine, it's kind of hard to make friends when you're the mute personality who isn't the host physical body, so it's so crazy to be able to talk to all of you.

Anyway, I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do next with this book, but I noticed that I'm already getting tons and tons of questions. So I'm going to answer a few common ones here.

What's your name? - It's Stormy. It's a bit of a weird name, I know. But that is actually my real name. When I was created, I had another name, as all alters do. But, I had no way of telling the others what it was, and they got into the habit of calling me Stormy. That very quickly became my permanent name.

Do you miss your old name? - No, I don't. Like I said, I was always Stormy to everyone around me, so I never got really emotionally attached to my "given name".

How old are you? - I'm fifteen. The other personalities are different ages, and the body is also a different age than I am. It has the same age as the host (obviously)

What's your favourite colour? - Purple. Always has been.

How many personalities are in your system? - There are six of us, including myself and the host. We're all female, which is both a curse and a blessing depending on the time of day.

Who are the others? - I'll get to that.

Do the others know about this account? - No, not yet. This may sound a little selfish, but when you're part of a DID system, it can be hard to make friends in the outside world who are only your friends. I love the others, don't get me wrong. But it might be nice to have people to talk to that aren't just them, and talk to people I don't have to share with them. At least for the time being.

Even if we don't meet them, can you tell us who the others are? - Again, I'm getting to that 😂

What are your pronouns? - She/her

What's your sexuality? - I'm straight. But, not all of us in the system are.

Favourite food? - Angel hair pasta and Alfredo sauce

When did you know you had DID? - Well, I suppose I always knew. When I came into existence I was in the mind. I didn't take over the body right away. So I met the other personalities right away. But, we didn't really understand what it was or that it was abnormal. We just knew what our job was and stuff. As for a diagnosis, though, the host's adoptive parents put us into therapy a couple years ago, because they knew something was a little off. They got the diagnosis sometime during those couple years, and decided not to tell us until they thought it would be safe and okay to tell us. We (the system) found out about 9 months ago.

What do you like to do when you're in the body? - I like reading. We don't have books in the mind so I look forward to it.

What kind of books do you like? - Hm... I like mysteries and I like science fiction. But I enjoy all books.

Do you like Thomas Sanders/the Sanders Sides? - Yes, I do. Thomas is very talented. I was introduced to him by MT_Reade when she showed me her book about DID.

What do you think of the new SS episode? - I haven't seen it yet! No spoilers please 😋

Who's your favourite SS character? - Virgil. I know that's like the "relatable"/"popular" choice, but there's more to it than that, I promise.

You're mute? It doesn't seem like it - Yes, I'm mute. I never have talked, and I likely never will. It has to do with the event that caused me to be created. But, just because I don't speak out loud doesn't mean I can't read or write. Sometimes it's easy to forget that I'm mute when we are talking through typing.

Okay, that's only some of the questions I've gotten. I might do another one of these later, but I don't want to make this super super long. 😂

Again, thank you all for your support. It means a lot. A lot of you seem interested in the system and the other alters, so the next part I'll do will be about the others. I was a little worried about talking about this stuff, but now that I've seen your response, and I have the ability to "talk" when I haven't before... it's very exciting. So I'm sorry if this is moving a little fast.

Anyway. Thank you all again.

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