A system name

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Hello all.

It's Stormy, and I'm back out in the Body for the first time in however long. I missed you guys.

Thank you for everyone who reached out, all of your letters of concern and love really touched me and really helped me out. Around Christmas time and into January, I usually get a lot of flashbacks and relapses and stuff. I won't go into detail, but it takes a toll on me and the whole system, actually. So I usually kind of bury myself away from the system and stuff like that when it happens, so I hardly front, if I front at all, during that period of time.

But, the flashbacks are over now, and I've taken a week and half or so to recover, and I'm feeling much better now. So I'm back. All of you who reached out, it really meant a lot to me and the others that we had your support.

Okay, with that let's get into the point of this chapter.

So, um, many people have been talking about a system name? For us? Apparently that's something that DID systems do, which is to pick like a team name for themselves? So, a few of us think that that's a neat idea, but we don't know where to start when it comes to picking names.

So, we were wondering if you guys had any suggestions? Yeah.

Also, I've started to give the others more domain over this account now, so you'll see the others on here more often as well. (Excepting Quentin, because as we've discovered, he's actually a fragment alter, so he can't front and do some other things that the rest of us can, as far as we can tell anyway.)

So, the others (Hannah, Leigh, Brynn, AJ, and Faith) will be on here too, responding to comments and posting things on this book specifically as well. So we'll start signing off on our comments and posts, just so that you know who's talking. There will be a couple of other platform changes now that I'm not going to be the sole uploader, but those will come later. But not too much later?

Coming soon lol^^

Okay that's a lot of random, so let me just summarize quickly here.

1) Thank you to everyone who reached out while I was away, I really appreciate it and so do the others.

2) Please help us come up with a system name lol. We have no idea what we're doing.

3) The others will be around a little more, so look forward to some platform changes and a little bit more interaction with the other ladies.

Okay thank you. That's it for now.

- Stormy

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