Questions I will not answer

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Hi guys.

So, I know that I said that you can ask me any questions you want about DID and I'll do my best to answer. That is still true. Please ask questions. However, there are some questions that I either can't answer based on what Leigh has/hasn't allowed me to know or remember. Or, because they are questions that I just don't feel comfortable/safe answering for whatever reason. I just wanted to address these questions that I've seen in a chapter so that I don't keep getting the question over and over, and so that you guys understand that I don't mean to ignore you.

Anyway, yeah. These questions are all questions that I've been asked and I just want to acknowledge, and explain why I won't answer them.

How were you created?

Like I've said before, this question can be immensely triggering for a lot of alters. We were created in moments of serious trauma, so it is often really hard for us to talk about that kind of stuff. How I was created and the circumstances around that deal with some very difficult and heavy topics and stuff, which can be triggering for other people too. Also, beyond that, that trauma is incredibly personal, and is a moment of vulnerability in our system's existence, so it's hard to share on that note too. Other alters might be comfortable sharing, but I'm not. It's better to let us approach you with those stories, instead of asking any alter about it.

Why are you mute?

Again, same reason as above. I've made it clear that disabilities in disabled alters often stem directly from when where and why they were created. I'm no exception. Pretty personal and traumatic stuff. So I won't be answering this either.

Anything asking personal things about other alters in the system.

I haven't told any of the others about this account. Only Leigh knows about it (Not by my choice). Brynn doesn't tend to remember things from when she is little, so she doesn't really know about it. So, that means that I don't have any of their consent to share any of their personal info/stories/anything about them other than the basic who they are, what they wear, like surface level things that we would tell people we didn't know very well irl.

Face reveal?

Firstly... you can't see my actual face. It's an inner world thing only. The only face we can capture with a picture is the Body's, and that's technically not my face. It's Faith's. I can't share that without her permission.

Is there a way to cure DID?

Okay, so the "cures" that are being used are not helpful in any way. They are suppressive and dangerous to the system. Also, living with DID healthily and happily is great. "Curing" DID, or getting rid of it, implies that it's a bad thing that's not good for you as a person.

Not true.

DID is not a bad thing. It is the result of a bad thing. It itself (by every healthy DID system that Ive met) is never perceived as something bad or that they need cured. We need to be healthy and be safe within our system, but the system itself isn't dangerous.

Also, don't suggest cures to me. Don't do it. I'm an alter in a system. That means you are telling me to use these destructive methods (that you may not know are destructive but really are) to get rid of myself.

And I'd rather you didn't do that? Thanks.

If there's an alter that isn't helping the system, can you kill them?


Okay okay okay.

There are so many things that are wrong with this question.

Anyone else see issues here??

So I'm sorry if you are one of those people who sent this to me, but I'm sorry, I have to be honest, this question bothers me in a very extreme way and I need to address this. I'm very emotional about this so forgive me.

One, an alter is created with a specific job. A job catered toward helping the system. Even persecutors are there for a reason and you can still be healthy with them there.

Two, no we don't kill other alters. Yes, we are stuck with each other for our whole lives. If we don't get along, that sucks. We get over it. We work to expand the mind so we can take some distance if we need. There are other solutions! So many other solutions! So! Many! We don't just kill people because we cannot we don't like them or our system isn't super healthy. Like, what??

Three, why the fuck would I know that? Sorry, but really? I don't know the answer because I've never killed anyone. That's... what... what??!

Four, alters are people.

I repeat!!


We do not kill PEOPLE just because things aren't working out. WE ARE NOT PSYCHOPATHS!

There are so so so so so so so many things that we can do to solve an issue with another alter besides KILLING THEM.

What... I'm sorry. But do not ever ask this to anyone EVER.

Ev. Er.

It's not okay. I'm sorry, but it's not.

I didn't want to have to make this chapter, guys. But there were just some things I needed to address. So thank you for listening. Sorry that this one is a downer...

I'll see you all next time.

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