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So, turns out I have a brother.

Yep. I know.

I... don't even know what to say.

There's been a lot of tension in our system lately, with fights breaking out more than usual, and I knew it had to do with the fact that Leigh was more short tempered than usual. Also, when arguments or bickering did break out, Leigh would seem more hurt by them.

A couple weeks ago, there was a huge fight that broke out between Leigh and Hannah. Hannah ended up saying that Leigh's a child, and Hannah knew better than her. Leigh said that Hannah knew nothing, before disappearing.

Now, Leigh is our gatekeeper. She's able to control what we do or do not know exists. So, she was able to make it like she didn't exist. We all knew what had happened and where she went (which was no where she was just invisible) but there was no way for us to talk to or see her. She couldn't see us either.

But in the middle of the night, Leigh came and woke me up. She had made herself visible to me, and me alone. She said that she had something to show me.

Now I've been suspecting that Leigh was hiding something for a while, that we didn't know about, that was causing her stress and stuff.

Turns out, she was hiding another alter.

And he's my brother.

The first guy to be in our system, and the first alter to be related to another alter. He looks like me, but he kind of works as the opposite of me.

His name is Quentin. He's a fragment. That means he only meant to serve a single small purpose. His is to hold onto an emotion: anger. I hold memories, he holds emotions.

After we started going to therapy, Faith began to realize that what happened to her was wrong, and she became really really angry about what had been done to her. So, eventually that anger became unhealthy and was taking a toll on her mental health, so Quentin was created. But, because there was no single big traumatic event that formed him, like what happened with the rest of us, and his was more gradual... he was created with the job of a fragment (not fully formed role). Hence why it's small and stuff.

Leigh says she's not showing the others yet, and she's not coming back for a bit. She needs to make sure that the others are okay to handle seeing him. But I convinced her to let Quentin and her keep it so that I could see them, and she said okay. So now I have a secret brother that I can't tell anyone about, so yay.

Thanks for listening, it's just that I can't tell anyone in the system about this and this is... insane like. I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown lol.

Anyway, yeah. I made him a little clothing thing like the others so you can get an idea of what he looks like. Also because it's calming me down to make it so.

 Also because it's calming me down to make it so

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