What it looks like inside the Mind

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Hello. Sorry I've been inactive for a while (not responding to comments, not posting, not responding to pms, etc.) I haven't been out here at all lately so thank you for your patience with me getting back to you. 

Okay, so I have gotten soooo many questions about the Mind. Or, as the white jackets call it: "the inner world". This is the place where myself and the other personalities go when we aren't in the body.

It looks different for every DID system, obviously, this is just what it's like for ours. 

The Mind, for us, is like a little house, with no doors or windows to the outside. The inside is what you'd expect, with like drywall and brownish walls and a white popcorn ceiling. (You know that plaster ceiling. You know what I'm talking about.) 

Anyway, here's the floor map/layout of the Mind.

Okay so now I'll tell you a little bit about each room:

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Okay so now I'll tell you a little bit about each room:


Okay, so the kitchen has this like cream coloured tiles, and dark brown cabinets. There are grey-brown countertops and creamy white shelving. Along the whole back wall is one long counter with cabinets above it, and then there's an island that starts on the left wall and goes out until about halfway across the room. It has so barstool chairs on the side closest to the living room. There isn't any food or anything in the kitchen, but we all like to sit on the counters and stuff. The walls are a light brown.

Living Room:

So the kitchen and the living room actually don't have a wall that separates them. They kind of meld into each other. The living room has a brown couch and a matching brown armchair, and there's a beige (almost light brown) carpet that's really fluffy in there. The walls are the same colour as the kitchen walls. The living room/kitchen is where we all spend most of our time. 


This has dark wooden flooring, and there's a door that separates it from the living room/kitchen area. We like to paint pictures along the walls of the hallway, so it's pretty colourful. But, it started with the same coloured walls as the other two rooms I've talked about. 

Room 1:

So this is the bedroom that I share with Hannah and AJ. We have three small beds in there, each on their own wall. The door has a wall, I have a wall, Hannah has a wall, and AJ has a wall. We can do what we want decor wise with our wall. Mine is covered with strung up paper cranes. 

Room 2:

This room is shared by the other three: Faith, Leigh, and Brynn. It's the same set up and stuff as our room.

So yeah. Hopefully that helps you guys get a better idea of what it looks like in the Mind. Also, thank you all for all of your birthday wishes. Birthdays for alters are kind of hard, and not the happiest of occasions, so it was really nice to have a reason to smile on my creation day. So, yeah. Thanks for that. 

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