Drawings of the Alters (+ Important Update!)

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Hi all! For those of you who haven't met me, I'm AJ! I am an ANP in our system, and I'm writing a chapter on this book. So that's cool! I have some important news, so I'm going to go ahead and update you all on that before we get in to what I'm going to talk about today.

Okay, so a lot has been happening in our system, some of it I'm allowed to know and talk about, some I'm not. But, we've recently discovered new parts of the inner world that we haven't had access to before. New areas of the inner world means a lot of things, including the finding of new alters, new memories, etc. So there's a lot happening that we're not quite ready to fully talk about yet, but don't worry, info is coming.

But, up until this point in our lives, Faith had been the host of our system. She is the alter who's name and face matches the Body's, and many people assume that that means she has to be the host. Which isn't true. The host simply means the person who is in the Body most often and is tasked with carrying out every day life. Faith just happened to be our host, but that isn't the case for all systems. And it is no longer the case for ours.

Due to everything that has happened, and the new memories, alters, and trauma that have been revealed as of late, Faith has needed to step away from the front. So, as the other ANP in the system, I've actually taken over the role of the host. Now, that might confuse some of you. But the host does not have to be the alter who looks like, and identifies closest with the Body. The host simply means the alter that is responsible for looking after and seeing to daily life. The hosts of systems are not always the "original alter", (which isn't technically a real thing anyways). It can be anyone.

So, that means that you guys will be seeing a lot more of me! Which is exciting.

Okay, so with that little update out of the way, we're on to the rest of the chapter! So, I'm an artist. I've been working on this little project the last few days, where I've sketched all of the alters in our system. This includes the new ones. Now, some of the new alters, we aren't telling you about, either because it's unsafe for them/the system for whatever reason to allow them access to this account, or they simply don't want to. Not everyone in our system is comfortable with being known online, and we have to respect their wishes. So, not all of the drawings will be shared. Only the ones for the admins of the account!

That's myself (AJ), Stormy, Hannah, Faith, Brynn, Leigh, and one of our new alters, Jake. (He's a protector-gatekeeper)

Now, you might notice that Quentin's name isn't in that list. That's because he, as far as we can tell, doesn't have the ability to front. Or, has yet to front. Not all of us actually have very good communication with him. Leigh is the only one who really can communicate with him. Stormy and he spend a lot of time together, but they do have a communication barrier. Anyway, Quentin hasn't given us consent to share things about him. Unfortunately, we've already shared some things, which was wrong of us, and we feel really bad about it. But, we can't really take it back now. But from now on, personal details about Q will not be shared on here. Thanks for your understanding!

Now, with all that seriousness out of the way, let's get into the drawings! The sketches are rough, so forgive me. Alongside the pictures are their names, along with a nickname if they have something else they like to be called. Then it's followed by their role in the system. Then their nationality/species, their gender, and their sexuality. (If any of them were uncomfortable with sharing any of this info, you'll just see an "x" through the slot instead.

Okay, now on with the drawings!

Let's start with me, I guess.

Let's start with me, I guess

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