Stormy Asked Me to Update for Her!

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Hello! This is really exciting, and I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. But, oh well, here we are.

As I'm sure that you can tell based on her updates, Stormy hasn't fronted for weeks. She asked myself and another of our system, AJ, to check in here and maintain things (like respond to comments, etc). So we may have pretended to be her a bit, but I'm sure you could tell with me, I'm no good at acting! But, she decided that we could post a little bit too, and that this book really needs updating.

So, I figured that I'd do just that!

Oh goodness, I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Brynn! It's nice to meet you all! I'm the caretaker in our system.

Anyway, I'm supposed to update this book with something system related, apparently. However, I have no idea what to post about. Do you have any questions or anything specific that you'd want me to write about? Sorry, I'm no good at these things. But I'm actually excited about it!

Okay! Well, I guess I just post this now? Alright then. I hope that you're all safe and having a lovely day wherever you are in the world.

Lots of love,

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