FAQs but again

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Hey guys.

So, a little while ago, I put out a chapter asking for questions from you guys for me to answer in a chapter. So here we are. I'm here to answer your questions. I got a couple of questions that were similar, so I grouped them together. If you were someone who asked about love or romance within a DID system, I just did a chapter on that called "Love as an alter", so go check it out if you were one of those people and you haven't yet read it. Or if you just want to know.

Anyway, on with the questions.

Do you have any favourite books?

Yes, I love reading. (Shameless self plug I just started a book to discuss my opinions on all things books. So head over there if you want to chat about nerdy book things.) Um... I love mystery novels, so any of those I really like. Sherlock Holmes especially, as well as "Murder is Most Unladylike", which was my introduction to mystery as a genre.

Who do you have a book character crush on?

Lol you are so persistent. If you must know, I've always liked Prince Maxon from "the Selection" series.

How/Why did you become an alter? What were the circumstances?

Um... okay. So I got this question a lot. I understand your curiosity, but I'll remind you that alters are created from moments of need, or trauma. An alter's creation story can (this isn't a given) be immensely triggering for them or others in the system who remember the event. No shade towards anyone who asked, because but I'm not going to share this story right now, because it's just not emotionally safe for me to do so. I might share eventually, but now is not the time. Thank you for your understanding.

How are you doing?

I'm... I'm here. That's good enough for me right now. 🙂

How does it work to be an alter? Is it like having roommates?

I would say yes? I've never had actual roommates before so I can't say for sure. But it functions like a normal household of people living together, I think. You become really close, and sometimes you get on each other's nerves. But, there's not much you can do about it and you still love each other.

What's your favourite animal?

Reptiles. Specifically domestic lizards and snakes. They force the owner to be calm in order to not freak them out, and they're quiet. Both are good for me.

What's your favourite music genre?

Hm... I know that people are probably going to come at me for this but classical? I like classical music a lot. For a lot of reasons. I know that a lot of people don't like it, but that's usually because they lack the patience or they don't really understand classical music. I personally think it's underrated, and the amount of intellect it takes to write a classical piece far outweighs the musical complexity of literally any other genre. You can't compare it to anything else. This may be controversial for me to say, but anyone can write a pop song. It takes someone with a great ear, talent, and extensive knowledge and understanding of music to be able to write classical.

Sorry, that got a little ranty.

Have you watched the most recent Sanders Sides episode? What were your reactions?


I have seen it. Um... I thought it was very well done. Remus makes me a bit uncomfortable, and I know that that's the point, but yeah it was a little out there for me. I thought the video itself handled the issue really well though.

Do you have any hidden talents?

Not really? I can do origami.

What's your favourite colour?

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