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Okay, so last time I posted, I posted a list of the other girls in my system, along with their ages and "roles"/what type of alter they are.

Now, I received tons of questions about both of those things, and what they all mean. So, I've decided to make a full chapter on these things.

Let's start with age, shall we?

Wait, before we start, I had tried to answer the comments in the last couple chapters as best as I could, but I really struggled with finding and expressing the right answers. But, there is an alter in our system who has explaining and helping as part of her job: Hannah.

So I got a little help from Hannah in this one. I had her write down the answers to the questions about age and about what age each of us are while she was out last night. Then I typed it up here. She doesn't know about the account, or that I'm posting what she said here. But whatever. One day I might actually let her on here. Maybe for a Q&A cause she's better at answering questions than me.

But anyway, I'll speak in italics when I interject into anything for the rest of the chapter. But for now, I'll give it over to Hannah:

First of all, the age of an alter is not necessarily how long they've been in the system for. It has to do with the state of their mind's development and maturity, and their physical appearance. For example, you can have an personality that's forty-two but has only been around for three years. Obviously, that doesn't mean that this personality is three years old, because they have the body, the heart, and the mind of a forty-two year old. That makes them forty-two. Does that kind of make sense?

And now I guess I'll go through all of us? Try to explain their aging?

I'll use me first, before she goes on to the other alters, to give you an idea of what I mean.

Me (Stormy)

You (Stormy) are an non-aging alter. You were born at fifteen years old, and will stay fifteen years old for probably the rest of your life. You have the ability to grow as a person, because you grow every day. It's not like you're stuck in a specific moment in time. But your mind's development and your physical appearance will remain fifteen for as long as The Body is alive.

Next, I'll put in AJ. She's the opposite of me.


AJ is an aging alter. She was created at ten years old, the same age as Faith was at the time, and aged at the same rate as Faith and The Body did. This is because of AJ's job as a Shell Alter. She is supposed to be able to take over and act just like Faith. So, it's important that her and Faith are the same age. Some aging alters start off as an infant and grow like their own person, but others like AJ start at a specific age and age from there. She was created six years ago, making her, The Body, and Faith all sixteen years old now.

So those are the two types. Aging and non-aging alters.


Leigh is another non-aging alter. She started at seventeen, and still is.

Hannah and Leigh don't always get along. Hannah loves to use Leigh's age to tease her. Speaking of Hannah and Leigh's ages, I guess we should do Hannah next...


I am another non-aging alter. I'm nineteen, and will stay nineteen. Older than Leigh (fuck you, Leigh) 😉

And this next one is a little hard to understand, so I'm glad I got Hannah to explain it because I'm terrible lol.


Okay so this one is a little complex. Brynn is what's called an age sliding alter. Her age changes depending on the situation, and the health of The Body. She can be twenty-three one day, and thirty-five the next. She has an age range, she doesn't usually age higher than the late thirties, and doesn't usually drop below seventeen. However, there have been a couple of occasions when the system needed someone to be cheerful and cuddly to help raise spirits, and Brynn, because she's the Caretaker, ended up fulfilling that need, dropping to being five years old or so, although that doesn't happen often. Only when that's what the system needs. But most of the time, she stays between the ages of seventeen and thirty-eight. But, we all say that she's twenty-three, because that seems to be her go-to age. It's what she is most often, and when the system doesn't need her to be a specific age. I say the system, but obviously I mean mostly you and Faith.

In regards to that last part about me and Faith, I'll go more into detail with that in the next chapter on the roles/types of alters. Now, finally:


Faith is the Host Alter, so she matches The Body. She ages along with The Body, because it technically is hers. So she and The Body are both sixteen.

Don't be scared to ask more questions about the system, Stormy. It's important for you to know this stuff.

Haha thanks Hannah 🙄
Anyway, I hope what she had to say was helpful to you guys and your understanding of our ages/aging processes. I'll be uploading a roles chapter hopefully later today if none of the others take over. This topic is more complex than I realized, so I'm glad I got her help, even if she didn't know she was helping with this. 😂

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