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So, Faith's birthday was about a week ago. Just for context.

Now, we have this amazing friend. We met a couple of years ago, and she's our only friend at the moment who knows about our DID, and has met all of us. (Except Quentin because he's still hidden, but she knows about him even though the other alters don't)

She wasn't able to come over for Faith's birthday thing last week because of rehearsal for a play that she's in, but she came over yesterday to see us. (Brynn was out yesterday, not me. So that's why I'm talking about it now) She brought over a birthday present for Faith, but it ended up kind of being a gift for all of us. (Because she's so awesome)

She brought us these necklaces.

They're silver chains with a silver letter pendant on it. Like a cursive letter of the alphabet. She had one for each of us. (F for Faith, A for AJ, B for Brynn, L for Leigh, H for Hannah, S for me. She even got one for Quentin but she said she'd hold onto it for now until everyone else knew about him.) She said that they're for us to wear when we're in the Body, so that people don't have to ask who we are every day. We just put on our respective necklaces when we switch.

It's the best present that we've ever gotten, in my opinion. But I really like them, and I'm wearing mine right now. So thank you to our friend for them. But, I thought that I'd share this with everyone because I know that a lot of people with DID read this book, and this idea (or something similar) might be useful for your systems too.

Anyway, yeah. That's all.

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