Wedding day

163 6 2

"I do"

Those words my mother said changed my life forever.

After the reception I went back to my new Australian house and started to play some music and text Mia.

M- Mia , C- Chloe

C- hey Mia, I am bored out of my mind.

M- hey I have a good idea, lets play truth or dare. so Chloe truth or dare?

C- okay! dare

M- okay um I dare you to tweet Luke Hemmings, baby I'll be at your show tonight. marry me???

C- ugh okay

I really am going to their show tonight and I am really excited.

I tweet that to Luke and then send a picture of it to Mia. a few hours later my mom and Richard were still gone so I was home alone.

The music was still play and wherever you are started to play. when they sang "and I just can't stop thinking of you" I got a tweet on my iphone

From Luke Hemmings

@Luke5sos haha maybe. hope to see you tonight;)

OMG I can't believe it!

Just then our doorbell rang. I walk downstairs and open the door not bothering if I looked like a piece of crap.

After I open the door and my eyes get used to the sunlight I see that it is...


Haha cliffhanger!! who is it??

Sorry if this is crap and I know it's short but I haven't been feeling well lately and I had this really creepy dream of someone kidnapping me and nobody caring I was gone. oh well:) it was just a dream.

Anyways enough about me, I wanna here about y'all! and if you wanna be in my story comment your name, age (if you are comfortable with that), and something you like.

Okay, yeah, ily


Can't Stop Thinking Of You// Luke Hemmings (in editing)Where stories live. Discover now