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Chloe's POV

"Chloe! Get your butt down here!" Richard yells as I am walking down stairs to get my beats.

"What?" I ask. he walks over to me and just slaps me across the face again!

"Why were those boys there?!" he ask, spitting on my face.

"Luke is our new neighbor and the rest of them is in a band with him band, also I know you don't "care about me" like you told them." I say

He pushes me against the the wall and tries to punch my face, but he's to drunk so he misses and punches my arm. hard, really hard. I know that if I say ow or flinch he'll just abuse me more, so I just take it all.

"Whatever just get out of my house!" he says and spits on the floor.

I walk out and since I don't know anyone here except Luke, I walk over to his house.

I rang the door bell and just stood there for a few minutes. I started to walk away when I her someone call my name. it was luke.

"Hey Chloe! you wanna come inside?" he asks


I walk inside and look around. there is stuff everywhere.

"So what brings you here on this fine evening?" Luke asks.

"Actually is the afternoon." I say smiling. aww he's blushing!

"Well okay then miss smarty pants." he say while laughing.

"Well I just came over to... uh" crap I can't tell him that my evil, wicked step father fricken abuses me every. Single. day.

"WHAT?" Luke says. I must have said it out loud. crap crap crap.

"What?" I say acting dumb like I didn't say anything.

"You know what." Luke says. with worry in his eyes.

"You know, I don't want to talk about it. I'm just gonna go to the beach or something." I say getting up and walking out while he just sits there " oh can you not tell anyone. I'm not comfortable with that yet. thank you, bye." I say as I'm out the door. I see him running out on his phone so I run to, not caring where I go.

I finally get to a beach so I just find a hiding spot and cry.

I knew I shouldn't have told him. gosh I'm a frickin' idiot. I don't deserve him.

" CHLOE! CHLOE! COME ON I JUST WANNA TALK! PLEASE." I hear Luke yelling along with his friends.

I crouch down lower in the cave-ish thing and go all the way back.

I hear their footsteps.

"Guys I think she's in here." I hear Ashton say.

"Chloe please. Can we please talk?" Luke yells. finally I give in and walk out.

"Sure." I say in a weak voice probably from crying.

"Thank you. hey guys, can we talk, like, alone?" he ask and the boys reply with a yes, a sure, and a " ocean time!" from Calum.

" Okay Chloe please tell me what's up." Luke asks.

"Yeah, what do you wanna talk about?" I ask

"You know what, just let it out. don't be afraid." he says.

"Okay. well when I was about 14 I had I boyfriend, although I can't remember anything about him because one night I got into a car crash with my mom. she was fine, but the car got my side so I went to the hospital and found out after I woke up, that I have amnesia. while I was in the hospital my dad got very sick with some disease that he got from a missionary in Africa, Ebola I think, and then died when I was in the hospital too. about a year later my mom found a new boyfriend, Richard, and just got got married. he abused me ever since they got together. my mom doesn't seem to care or notice though. I have all of these scars on my arms because I cut almost everyday because of these voices in my head saying I'm fat, ugly, worthless, etc." I show him my arms. "I was going to tell you at your house, but I got scared." I start to cry a little. " I'm sorry but I'm going to go." I say leaving.

I get onto the road and start to walk when Richard dives by. I guess he sees me because he swerves to my side of the road and the next thing I know, I black out.


Sorry that's a cliffhanger! I hate myself to. haha just kidding.

Thank you for almost 200 reads on this story, I an so frickin' happy!!!!

I love you guys so much and especially the ones who still read it.

ily byeeeee!!!!!:):):)

Can't Stop Thinking Of You// Luke Hemmings (in editing)Where stories live. Discover now