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I am using numbers for chapters now

Luke's POV

I can't believe she's here. I used to be her boyfriend, but when I was out one day she got in a car crash and woke up with amnesia. I was crushed and her parents told me she won't remember me and I should just leave her. so I did.

Now is my chance to win her over again.

" Luke, Luke LUKE!" Ashton yells

"What, what happened?" I say

"You just zoned out, lukey what's up?" Calum asks.

I tell them everything and they look sad.

" Don't worry we'll help you get her back, buddy." Michael says

"Thanks, but what if she doesn't remember me?" I say

" then you'll have to help her remember you or make new memories." Calum says.

"Thanks guys" I say

"No problem it's getting late, do ya wanna watch a movie?" Ashton asks

"Sure, lets watch 17 Again." I say. that's one of my favorites.

"Okay" they say.

Towards the end of the movie everyone is asleep but me, so I just drift of into another dreamless sleep.


OMG such a short chapter , but it was just a filler so yeah.

Well guys thank you for reading this I have over 100 reads so far so I am very very happy. I love you guys so much, thank you thank you.

Also if anyone wants to make a video for it I'd be more then happy, just send it to me.

ily byeeee!!!!!

Can't Stop Thinking Of You// Luke Hemmings (in editing)Where stories live. Discover now