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Listen to amnesia while reading this.

"Luke." I hear Chloe whisper.

"Chloe! your alive." I whisper shout

"Yes, but I don't know why. still really weak but I want you to know that I remember everything about... about..."

"What! what do you remember Chloe?!"

**In The Morning**

"Guys! Chloe talked to me last night." I say to the boys.

"Luke I think you were just dreaming." Calum says.

"No she really did. she said that she remembers something about something."

"Go back to sleep Luke." Michael says.

"No let's go talk Luke." Ashton says getting up.

We walk out of the room an into the waiting room.

"Okay so what did she say?" he asks.


"Luke." I hear Chloe whisper.

"Chloe! your alive." I whisper shout

"Yes, but I don't know why. still really weak but I want you to know that I remember everything about... about..."

"What! what do you remember Chloe?!"

End of flashback

"Okay." he says.

"Okay... what?"

"Just okay."

"Do you believe me?"


"Okay good." I say

"Yes and no."


"Yes I believe you, but Part of me doesn't. this half is screaming HES A LUNATIC! GET AWAY WHILE YOU CAN!"

"This isn't funny."

"Then go tell her nurse what you told me." he says

"I think I will."

"Okay then... go."

I walk up to Chloe's nurse and I tell her everything.

"That's sounds possible, but Chloe is extremely unstable right now and there is a slim chance she will wake up." she says and my world comes crashing down.

"Luke. Luke. Luke are you alive? can I have your room if you aren't?" Calum asks

"Yes I'm alive you dummy. what happened?"

"Well after you got the news you ran to Chloe's room. but you missed the door by Like three feet and left a mark and went unconscious." Michael says.

"Okay, so can I get out of here."

"Yea, I'll get the nurse."

After I got out I went to see Chloe again for a few hours and I was just talking to her.



well that's a good wake up call.

But I'm not awake.

After a few hours I hear Luke come in.

"Hey Chloe. so I'm going to tell you everything that happened in the past few hours. first after I woke up from sleeping I told the boys that you talked to me about remembering something."

He pauses. I do remember everything he told me and I did talk to him.

"Well no one believed me so I told your nurse and she said that you have a slim chance of living, my entire world came crashing down." he is crying now. " I tried to run into your room, but I missed the door by like three feet and went unconscious for a few hours." Luke. Is. So. Weird.

"Well I'm going to go now. bye."

"Luke wait." I say.

""Chloe? your awake! I'm getting a nurse. stay awake. please."

After a few minutes I start to get drowsy, but before I can close my eyes my nurse, and two doctors come in.

"Okay Chloe I'm giving you medicine so you won't go into another coma." the nurse says.

"O-okay." I say

After a few more minutes I'm still hocked up but they said I won't go into another coma. thank God.

The boys came in and they were really loud except for Luke, he's an awkward little boy.

"Chloe you are aloud to come home in a week. until then we will come here everyday, and the doctor people said that we can have concerts here for the patents on day." Calum says.

"That's great! I can't wait." I say. "okay I'm really tired so I'm going to sleep. goodnight." I say and drift to the billionth dreamless sleep since I got here.


OMG I haven't updated in like 847389267492001037749264929 years!!!!!!!! I'm so sorry.

This chapter is so cute.

The first person who votes gets a shout out.

If I get 390 reads I'll update that day or the next.

Again I'm so sorry, I've been busy and I got grounded from my phone for like ever!!!!!



Can't Stop Thinking Of You// Luke Hemmings (in editing)Where stories live. Discover now