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(Not edited)

2 weeks later

Chloe's POV

"Hey guys, can we go to the movies today?"

"Sure. what movie do you want to see?" Luke asks me.

"Let's see..... Women In Black 2" I say

"Really? You want to see that?" Ashton asks.

"Hell yeah!" I say "why not? Are you scared?" I say with a giggle.

"Nope. let's go!!!"

When we get to Cinema I looked to my right and see someone that kind of looks like my friend Mia, but I can't be sure.

We start to walk into the theater and sit down when I feel someone looking at me. I glance to the side and see some guy looking at me and talking to the girl next to him. suddenly I hear: "CHLOE! ITS ME, MIA!" The gir- Mia yells.

"Shh" she gets from the oh so wonderful audience.

She runs over to me and gives me a bone crushing hug.

"Mia! I'm so glad to see you!" I say and start to tear up. "why are you here? If you don't mind me asking?"

"Well, there was this new guy at our school, his name is Jack. well he was a student that lived in Australia and I got to show him around our school and everything, and one day he just asked me out! He even had two brothers that lived in Australia. there names are something like Luigi and Bennett. Luigi left them though to join a band or something." she says.

I look at Luke and he is starting at Jack and likewise for Jack.

"Luke? Are you okay?" I ask as Mia asks jack if he is okay.

Then the staring stops and they hug each other. what?

"Luke. how do you know him?" I ask.

"By the way Mia, my name is Luke not Luigi, and my other brothers name is Benjamin not Bennett." Luke says.

"Sorry..." Mia says sheepishly.

Jack and Luke are tearing up and Mia and I are just looking at each other.

"Okay so you to are brothers." I say, then I direct my attention to Mia. " how long are you staying here?"

"Actually, jack got an apartment and I'm staying with him. here in Australia!" She says with excitement oozing out of her body and each word she says.

"Shhhhhh!" The people at the theater yell, yet again,

"Sorry." I whisper.

"Watch the movie with us guys. oh yeah and the rest of these idiots are Ashton with the curly hair, Mikey with the colored hair, and Calum, the Asian one."

"IM NOT ASIAN!" Calum yells and gets yet another classic "shh" from the audience.

We all sat down in the super soft and comfy red seats, and watched the movie.

**after movie**

"OMG that was so good! I loved it! Let's see it again!" I yell once he movie ended and we were on our way to their car.

"What the fudge brownies! That was terrifying! Id rather watch a sad or romantic movie... like Toy Story 1,2, and 3!" Mikey exclaims.

"Come on, man up Mikey bear. it wasn't that bad." I say while the other boys, Mia, and Jack are trying to hold in their laughs.

"Aww sorry Mikey. let's go home and we can watch Toy Story." Calum says.

"1, 2, and 3?" He says like a child while giving his best puppy dog eyes, which by the way is really good.

"Yeah. sure buddy. 1, 2, and 3." Ashton says while patting his back.

" pinky Promise?" He asks and holds out his pinky.

"Um sure pinky promise." Luke says and all seven of us lock pinkies. (ash, Luke, mike, cal, jack, mia, chloe.)

"Muhahahahaha I tricked all of you! I didn't hate that movie that much, but I just really wanted to watch my movies!" Mikey jumps up and yells while doing his happy dance. and he fell. Wow.

"Aw come on really dude?!?!" We all yell.

"Yep and now you have to because you can never break a pinky promise. Captain Mike-Ro-Wave sticks again! Succeeding to fulfill his happiness and spreading it to and fro." he says with little hand actions.

"Fine let's go." Mia says.

**at home**

Luke's POV

We just finished watching all three toy story movies and it's five till midnight. perfect. I can't wait to ask Chloe to be my girlfriend at midnight.


Hey guys!!!!!!!! Okay seriously I haven't updated since freaking November 27 2014 and I feel sososososososososososososososososo bad... please bear with me. these will be slow updates and I so sorry.

Also if anyone wants to make a trailer for this, feel free, but send it to first. I don't have an account for YouTube so I can't make a trailer, unless I get iMovie or something like that...

_One more thing. this chapter is dedicated to FiRa1864 so go follow her and all my other followers.



Can't Stop Thinking Of You// Luke Hemmings (in editing)Where stories live. Discover now