Damien: Chaperones

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"Penny! Cmon kiddo! We're going to be late for your field trip!", you yell up the stairs as you can hear her running around.

Spreading peanut butter and grape jelly onto a piece of toast, you hand it to her as she zooms by.

You pop a piece of leftover pizza into the microwave as you tie your shoes.

"Where's my backpack, Mom?", she yells at you from the top of the stairs.

"Is it still on the couch from yesterday? If it's not there, I don't know where you put it.", you yell back.

She races to the living room, producing the backpack.

"Finish your toast in the car, we have to go.", you tell her, wrapping your pizza slice in a paper towel as you start the car.

She takes her seat in the back, still chewing a bite of toast.

"You grabbed your lunch, right?", you double check before you pull out of the driveway.

She shows you the box, and you nod in approval.

Checking your bag, you have your lunch, phone, and wallet, so you quickly speed to her school.

She walks through the doors to get to her classroom while you check in in the office.

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N). I'm chaperoning my daughter's field trip today, the fourth grade one.", you tell the secretary, slightly out of breath.

She gives you a visitor's badge before you quickly walk to her classroom.

"Ahh, Ms. (L/N)! Glad you could make it! Alright, kiddos. Hang your backpacks up in your lockers before we go, but be sure to grab your lunch!", Mrs. Jenkins, Penny's teacher, tells the group of kids.

She only has thirteen other kids in her class, so you assumed you'd be the only chaperone.

"Sorry I'm late, Mrs. Jenkins. I had to grab a lunch.", a slightly-disheveled man gasps as he enters the room.

"No worries! The bus won't be here for another five or so minutes anyway!", she replies before walking towards one of the tables.

"Hey! I'm Damien!", the man says, smiling at you.

"I'm (Y/N).", you smile shyly back at him.

"Ready to be the best chaperones in the history of school field trips?", he teases, fixing his hair.

"I guess so.", you giggle at his comment as the kids line up.

"Where are they even going?", he whispers to you.

"You signed up without knowing?", you ask, raising an eyebrow at him.

"My kid had really bad anxiety on these trips, so I figured I'd better be a good dad. Plus, he forgot his letter at home, so all I did was sign the slip.", he admits with a slight chuckle.

"They're going to the petting zoo downtown. It's contained, so all we have to do is make sure none of them escape through the entrance/exit.", you inform him, repeating what her email had told you.

"So basically we just stand guard at the entrance?", he clarifies.

"Well we don't have to. She said we can follow them around and keep a head count, but it's up to us.", you reply as you follow the line out to the bus.

"I'm good with just chilling at the entrance.", he smiles at you, and you nod in agreement.

"Which one is your kid?", he asks you as you sit next to each other on the bus.

"Penelope, but I call her Penny. She's the one with the light brown hair towards the back of the bus, she has the ponytail.", you point her out, and he smiles at her when he notices her.

"Mine is James. He's got the sandy blond hair, third seat from the back, and he's the one sitting by the window.", he points his kid out, and your eyes land directly on him.

"He's a cute little guy!", you compliment him, and Damien's smile grows bigger.

"Looks more like his mom, but she says he acts more like me. Especially when he's at her house, she said he's a copy and paste of me.", he tells you, and you realize that they're not together.

"Her dad completely ditched me the moment he realized she was growing inside of me. He told me it was an abortion or he was leaving. Obviously, I chose to keep her, so he up and left.", you sigh, thinking about the whole situation.

"That's horrible. I'm so sorry.", he looks deep into your eyes, and you can see how truly sorry he does feel.

"It's fine. He was always a flake. I don't know why I was dumb enough to sleep with him, but it doesn't matter now. I got something beautiful out of it, so I can't completely dump on our relationship.", you reply with a small shrug.

"James' mom and I got along really well, but she ended up cheating on me about a month after James was born. I offered to try to figure it out, but she wasn't interested. She filed for divorce about two weeks later.", he groans just thinking about it, and you give him a hug in an attempt to comfort him.

"What do you do for a living, (Y/N)?", Damien says after a moment, most likely trying to distract himself from the bad memories.

"I own a dog-grooming business. I took today off just so I could do this for Penny. I can't imagine it would've been very busy anyway.", you laugh at yourself.

"That is awesome! So you own it, like you work on your own?", he clarifies, trying to understand it better.

"Yeah! I love being my own boss. It does get stressful sometimes, but I wouldn't have it any other way.", you inform him with a proud smile.

"That's so sweet!", he flashes a huge grin, and it makes your stomach fill with butterflies.

"What do you do?", you return the question.

"I work for this YouTube channel called Smosh. We do skits, different improv comedy stuff, some gaming videos, different things like that.", he explains.

"That sounds perfect!", you compliment him. He definitely seems like he'd be the perfect comedian.

"Alright everyone! Remember, stay with your buddy, and stay with the class. If you get separated, Ms. (L/N) and Mr. Haas will be at the entrance in case of an emergency. Now, let's go!", Mrs. Jenkins cheers.

The kids all race off of the bus.

"Ready (Y/N)?"

"Ready, Damien."

I wish I could chaperone with Damien. 😂 Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter! ❤️

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