Disire's diary

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Well everything was set. I should tell you that later on that day I found out I was wanted for holding things against the Sindrafacation act that was passed. I thought everything was running perfect. The only bad thing was they wanted me dead or alive, but I already knew that if they see me being a leader of a group they will definitely consider keeping me alive for information. If plain goes south, as in if they ignore the siren and I get away then I will just walk around playing a council member being dumb. That will definitely have them keep me alive. The only good news is that they fell for everything at once. The only thing was it was not easy being the new girl of the council even though the part of handling the missions was even harder. I wondered how Crimzen and Ally were surviving in a lonesome jail cell, plotting, crying, hating me. All I cared about was seeing them alive. And then the next step was finding Darkness and convincing him to come and fight with us and getting out of there. If we did make it then the government would start to crumble. Or that's what I thought.

Land of Confusion: based on the song/music video by DisturbWhere stories live. Discover now