Dessum's exsperiance

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"Well we are all set. All we need to do is get most of Sinidel's army at the world center. And it only took us one afternoon." Dessum excellently said as Crimzen sunk back under the covers. "What's wrong Crimz?"

"Everything I'm bedridden and Doc said that more and more people are coming in out of the woodwork. So he's busy as heck and that won't be close to what will happen during or after." Crimzen rambled as Doc snuck in the room.

"So how many are in the resistance?"Dessum asked.

 "Like Gem?" Crimzen asked even though she knew the answer for being in the resistance for five years. Doc just lifted an eyebrow in question and Crimzen just shrugged.

"Exactly like Gem. By the way, I heard she sacrificed herself and they are giving her the guardian ribbon. Is that true because she was one of my first people I treated. The army wouldn't help her when she got in a firefight with us. So in her gratitude she became one of our spies and the rest joined her." Doc explained as he started helping Crimzen to her feet. Crimzen nodded as an answer but she wasn't expecting the next question that Dessum had for Doc.

"So, why did you join, Doc?" Dessum asked wondering. Doc stopped in his tracks. He looked like Dessum opened up a door to a distant land that he visited long ago. He just stared off into the distance. "Because this is all I wanted to do by choice. It was easy for me and it destroyed me. I had a wife, a job and when I saw people in the streets that were dying because they'd rather die and be buried in their own backyards than have the government tax their family to the streets. So I started this and people followed me. Soon I got three assistants and a partner. The resistance started stealing supplies so I could keep it going on very little payments that everyone could afford on some things but most is free care. But then my wife found out about the whole thing of me leaving my old practice for this and I had to choose this or her. So she left me and I had been here ever since and now that I look back, I wouldn't have it any other way." Doc said as he got back to what he was doing. They were quiet for a while.

Dessum was stunned at the story she just heard. It was really different then Crimzen's and her own story. How similar but so different the tales were. The stories were yelling out the same chant to end it now or there would be bloodshed, even more than before.

Even the piece of paper was showing her the hero earlier, reminding her of an old comic she had once read. But he was fiction in the old Washington D.C. And now in Siniville D.M.. The only way Sinidel could and will is with the light that the dark brings and the dark was not only Darkness but herself and everyone that will be coming to fight against Sinidel.

But Dessum had doubts about some things, like if anyone would come. Sure the resistance was huge and growing every minute but they had barely enough weapons for Dessum's mission. They were good at reusing what they got but that's not enough. They need more people than anything.

"Hey Doc, will Crimz be ready for tomorrow? We are definitely going to need our best fighter." Dessum asked.

"I don't know. Maybe just a person that will help me in here but that that will be it. “He said looking away.

"Crimz! I heard a small checkpoint just got detected. We are going to have to do the final strike soon or there won't be much left!" Ally yelled as she ran into Crimzen's room. Dessum hadn't seen her friend since they escaped that prison. Dessum almost didn't recognize her. Ally's hair was even around her ears, her new clothes made her look like a true worrier.

Crimzen just put up a hand to silence her. "We are going to win. You will know why soon, you are doing your part well Ally." Crimzen said.

But it concerned Ally and Dessum to be like this. "They were bait. And there is one more group that will be too." She explained.

Land of Confusion: based on the song/music video by DisturbWhere stories live. Discover now