Dessum's exsperiance

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Dessum couldn’t see where she was going. They blindfolded her before they came out of the torture chamber. She stumbled on something and fell.

"Get up low life!" A guard said she could tell it was the same one that blindfolded her, just by his voice. Someone grabbed her by the collar of her torn shirt and set her to her feet. Dessum listened to the guards’ footsteps, trying to walk in sync with them. She could hear murmuring though the halls as the guards led her though the dark passageways she could tell that everything was either concrete or tile by the clack of the boots or soft, but noticeable scuffle of Dessum's shoes. It felt like hours, maybe days since she had anything to eat or drink since she was captured that, last, or whatever evening that was. Dessum didn't care; she could still feel the burns and bruises form almost everywhere on her body. Her tattered clothes dangled off of her in some places. She was still reliving it all in her mind. The chair, the words, the knife, the flame, everything just to spill out something! But she only told them what they already knew and added a few lies to give them the runaround. That was the only way they were stopped. By information. So that is what Dessum lied about everything to an extent. And those made her feel somewhat proud, but made the pain worse. She clenched her teeth as she thought about Crimzen being tossed into an early grave, her best friend right next to her.

Then they finally stopped. She could hear a loud creek of a lonely cell door open she never thought that this was hers.

"Ok bag o' scum. Here is your new cellmate I will bring the other one later." He said as he pushed Dessum to the ground she screamed as she hit the ground twice then skidded to a stop. Dessum felt around the cell as she crawled to a corner and cried she hid her head in her arms even though her hands was still tied they were tied in front of her.

"Oh, what have I done?" She whined as she just stayed in that corner then she heard someone walk in front of her and touched her on the shoulder. Dessum wailed as a sharp pain rushed thee her body. "Ow!" she cried fallowed by a quick "Sorry" Dessum recognized the voice as she could feel someone untie her wet, soggy, blindfold. She had to let her eyes adjust to where she could see the person. All Dessum knew was that the person was trying to comfort her, and that someone was Ally.

"Ally, I, I thought you were... Oh I can't believe it's you." Dessum shrieked. Then she noticed Ally's torn outfit and the cuts and burns and chain marks all over her body. She also looked like she had been though worse than Dessum. Ally quietly untied her hands. Ally's hands didn't look quite right to Dessum. She also had bite marks on her torso and arms, most still dripping like it happened just recently.

Her hair, like Dessum's, was cut unevenly and jagged. Plus Dessum thought she heard Ally say, "I hope that I have enough money to afford...." Ally trailed off once she noticed that Dessum was listening. Then she to, fell into tears. "They made me I tried to get them to stop but they made me." Ally cried Dessum wrapped her arms around her.

"Go right ahead Ally." Dessum said. A few minutes of just comforting

each other.

Dessum heard the cell open she looked up and Ally slowly shifted herself around to see Crimzen being thrown on the ground like a piece of trash.

"You dead beat low lives yourself!" Crimzen yelled back as Dessum and Ally came to her side. Crimzen spitted a few times and blood came out onto the floor. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "Good, no teeth this time." She said as she got up and wobbled to the sink.

Dessum noticed that Crimz was walking with a limp on her right which she knew about but she had an even bigger one on the left which was new. Her body and clothes looked dismembered to where Dessum wondered how in the world she was still alive. She grabbed the toilet paper roll. (Surprised they had a few since they were lucky to have one) and made bandages for her wounds that were really bad and, or gross looking. Her hair was cut like a boy's would but that didn't seem to bother her. She silently stared at the blank wall as she brought cold water from the rusted spout of the sink to her mouth she shivered as she spilled cool water all over herself. She slowly turned around insisting that Dessum and Ally do the same.

Land of Confusion: based on the song/music video by DisturbWhere stories live. Discover now