Are you okay?! 'part 1'

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(trigger warning-bulling)

Betty's Pov

I sigh and put my backpack over my shoulder as I step out of my mom's car.

"bye, sweety" she says with a smile.

"goodbye" I say and close the car door.

I see my mom's car disappear with every second, and I turn back forwards the school. I start walking anxiously to the entrance. I walk up the three steps of stairs that lead to the door, take a shaky breath and open the door. People around me starts to call me names and some even throws paper or erasers at me. When I finally reach my locker I see Archie with Veronica under his arm and the other football players coming my way. I look away and hope that they will just walk by. 

With a thud my locker slams shut and I jump a little.

"well, if it isn't little fatty, Betty Cooper" Veronica says and Archie and the football players laugh.

"yeah, maybe you should lose some weight" Archie laughs.

I can feel myself feeling smaller with every comment. They laugh and walks away but of course Veronica slams me into the lockers before leaving. I take my books and sprint over to the blue and gold. 

I have been bullied for about 2 years and I don't have any friends, I don't know why people hate me so much. The blue and gold is the only place where people leave me alone. If I'm in the halls or at lunch people usually push me or they call me names but I have gotten used to it but it does still affect me, I just don't show it around others.

When I'm inside the blue and gold I lock the door and tears starts to fall down my cheeks, the bells ring and I quickly wipe away my tears and walks to class. 

I sit down in the back of the classroom and nobody sits beside me but that's okay. After 10 minutes there's a knock on the door and in steps the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen. He has blue-green eyes and jet-black hair but it's covered with a crown shaped beanie.

"class, this is Jughead Jones and he just moved here from Greendale" the teacher says and the girls starts to fix them selfs up. I sigh and continue to look down at my desk.

"Jughead, you can take the empty chair next to Betty"  the teacher says and points at me. "dammit" I think and looks up to see all the girls giving me death glares and Jughead walking forwards me.

"hey" he says as he sits down beside me, I sigh, he really shouldn't be talking to me it's just gonna make him a loser like me if people think he's friends with me, so I quickly say.

"you shouldn't talk to me"

"why?" he asks but I just ignore him.

The classes goes by and it's lunch. I walk over to a tree and sits down. I take out an apple and a salad and starts eating.

"should you really eat that much" I hear someone says and I look up to see Cheryl and Veronica standing in front of me. I don't say anything and just look down at my shoes.

"don't you dear ignore me" Cheryl says and kicks me in the stomach. I whine in pain 

"I-I'm s-sorry" I shriek as another kick hits my stomach.

"you should be" Cheryl says as she and Veronica walks away laughing at me. I pack away my lunch and the rest of the day goes by.

 'After school'


I look down at my phone as I get out to the parking lot and see that my mom has sent me a text saying she's not coming home till late at night because of work, I sigh and start walking home. When I'm home I just watch some tv.

"some hours later"

I start to get hungry so I decide to get some food from pops. 

When I have gotten my food I walk out from pops and see Cheryl and Veronica walking my way.

"well well well, hello Betty" Veronica says.

"hey" I mumble.

"you know Cheryl instead of spending money on food why don't we just take Bettys" she says.

"I think that's great idea Veronica" Cheryl answers with a smirk.

They start to beat me up till I'm on the ground with a bruised eye and a bleeding lip and nose. They laugh, take my bag with food and Cheryl kicks me in the stomach before they run away.

I lift myself up and shriek in pain, when I'm standing up again I see a person approach me, I sigh and start getting myself prepared for more name calling and punches. But instead I hear.

"hey, are you okay?!"

"y-yeah" I breath out.

"are you sure?" he asks and I look up to see Jughead standing there with a worried expression.

"y-yes" I stutter with embarrassment.

He looks at my face and says.

"can I at least walk you home"

"okay" I sigh. 

The walk home was quiet.

We stop outside my house and Jughead offered to clean my wounds. I'm sitting on the couch while Jughead is fixing my bruises.

"how do you know how to do this" I ask him.

"my mom's a nurse so I've learned from her I guess" he chuckles.

"how did you even get this bruises" he asks.

"u-uh I tripped" I lie.

"the truth, please" he says.

"C-Cheryl and V-Veronica they uh jumped me" I look down ashamed.

"what!" he kinda yells.

"y-yeah, if you haven't noticed people don't like me that much" I say and a tear rolls down my cheek.

"why?" he looks at me and wipes away the tear with his thumb.

"I-I don't know, I guess I'm just not worthy of being liked by people" I cry.

"I-I'm sorry" I whisper.

"what, why are you sorry?" he whispers back.

"I-I'm crying and I'm just a burden to you, maybe you should leave" I whisper looking away.

"your not a burden, your just tired of people being mean to you and that's okay" he says and takes my hand.

"yes I am, if I weren't a burden then maybe I should have friends" I cry and look away.

"Hey, look at me" he says and puts his finger under my chin, turning my head in his direction.

"I may not know you that well, but I can see that your a beautiful and strong human being and I would love to be your friend" he says.

"are you sure" I whisper.

"100% sure" he whispers back.

"come here" he continues and pulls me in for a hug.


Hi, I'm sorry for the bad update, but do you want a part 2 of this? And if you liked this part please vote, it really motivates me to do more. <3

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