Part 10: Feisty little Thing

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I know I said I was going to publish Saturday, but I wrote it earlier.  I might as well go ahead and publish it. I hope you enjoy!

Finally, everything in my life was going perfect but it was just to good to be true. I'm a superhero. I will always be in danger but I guess I forgot that.

I let my guard down and now Paris, my parents, my friends, and myself are paying the price. Now, here I am in a dark room tied to a chair. The only thing I can do is wait and see what comes next.

10 hours before  Nobody's POV

Marinette was at home working on some sketches after school. She kept replaying everyone's reaction to her relationship with Adrien in her head. Everyone was so happy well except the people who lost the bet with Alya.

"Wait, where was Chloe and Lila?" Marinette asks turning to Tikki.

"What do you mean?" Tikki replies confused at Marinette's sudden outburst.

"I don't remember seeing them at all today." Marinette states.

"They were probably there you just don't remember because today was so exciting." Tikki answers.

"Your right. I'm overthinking this. Besides if they were acumatized we would know by now." Marinette says trying to convince herself more then Tikki.

"You should get to bed. You have school in the morning and it's already 11 o'clock." Tikki informs her.

"Okay, good night." Marinette states as she puts her note book away and gets in bed.

"Night." Tikki replies.

Soon both are fast asleep but unknown to them they had four eyes watching and waiting.

The Shadowettes slowly entered Marinette's room through the window. The blonde shadow carefully stuffs the kwima in a black bag, careful not to wake her and she ties the bag on her belt.

The brown haired
shadow places a muffle in Marinette's mouth to keep her quiet.

The young girl wakes up but is quickly knocked unconscious by the blonde shadow. The brown haired shadow then puts a bag over Marinette's head. The Shadowettes then take the young hero to the one and only Hawk Moth.

Marinette's POV  Present time

I wake up with a horrible headache as if I was hit on the head. I open my eyes only to see I'm no longer in my bed.

I'm somewhere else and my arms and legs are bond by ropes keeping me in the chair. I look around and all I see is black.

I can see faint light coming from a window. Where am I? How did I get here? Then I remember.
Someone kidnapped me and brought me here. But where is here? Who is took me and why? If I transform maybe I can get out of here.

"Tikki? Tikki? Tikki! Tikki, I need to transform! Spots on!" I yell panicking.

She's not here.

Where is she?

"You can quite trying. Your not going to transform Ladybug!" I hear a deep voice say.

Soon after a light comes on blinding me for a second. Once my vision adjusts I see the one and only Hawk Moth.

"You know I was surprised when I saw your earrings but then I saw your kwima. A feisty little thing she is!" He say standing over me.

"Where is she?" I ask angry.

"She's fine. I took your precious miraculous so don't bother trying to transform." He responds.

"How did you find me?" I ask.

"Well, Marinette I found out you started dating Adrien Agreste and two of your classmates weren't very pleased about it." Hawk Moth states.

"You acumatized Chloe and Lila. They kidnapped me but why bring me to you?" I question confused.

"I think we both know who Adrien really is." He responds.

"I don't know what you mean?" I replie playing dumb.

"Don't try to play dumb, little girl!" He whispers in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"You knew he was Chat Noir and he'll do anything to get me back."
"Well aren't you a smart little girl!" He proclaims.

"Smarter then you apparently. A fourteen year old girl figured out your plan so easily!" I exclaim. He slaps me across the face.

"You watch your mouth! Right about now, Adrien, your parents, and friends are probably wondering where you are. Why don't we tell them? Shall we?"

Adrien's POV

I sit down in my seat waiting for class to start. I wonder where Marinette is. I didn't see her in first period. Alya walks in and she looks worried. She runs up to me and Nino.

"Hey, have ethier of you seen Marinette?" She asks worriedly.

"No, I haven't." I respond.

"Nope." Nino relies.

"Her parents just called me and asked if she was at school. They didn't see her leave this morning and she wasn't in her room!" Alya exclaims upset.

I start to get an uneasy feeling but the teacher walks in and it's time for class to start.

"We can look for her after school." I answer.

"Okay." She says and takes her seat.

Just when the teacher is about to start a video appears on the projector. My phone then pulls up the same video and so does everyone else's phone.

We all turn our attention to the video projecting on the whiteboard.

"Good Morning, Pairs!" Hawk Moth states from the video and everyone gasps.

Hello! What do you think is going to happen next? Drop a comment telling me. Don't forget to vote!

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