Awkward Situations

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Daniel and Stephen had been walking quietly, because they were hunting, but also because there was this weird tension between them, like it was when they had first met each other.
Both of them had been extremely agitated the whole walk.

Daniel was still mad at Stephen for multiple reasons. First of all because of the fact that the necromancer refused to talk about his past, and second because he had been acting even more hostile then usual.
His grumpy personality had turned more angry and aggressive.

Meanwhile Stephen had a lot of other things to worry about. More pressing issues to face. He was on edge for a reason after all. If Stephen had learned one thing in his life then it was to keep his guard high.
He knew that eventually his secret would be somehow revealed, but he wasn't going to make it quicker.

"Hey Stephen, are you just going to stand there or will you help me out?" Daniel muttered in annoyance, giving Stephen his classical disapproving look.

Stephen only managed a confused stare.
"Help you with what?" He wondered.

Daniel sighed at Stephen's ignorant response.
"Weren't you the one that suggested to hunt and look for food? Might as well help me right?" He reminded the suddenly forgetful necromancer.

Stephen rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, I spaced out for a moment, so what?" He grumbled, before scanning the area for animals, or edible plants.

Daniel glared at him once more. "Spaced out? You've spaced out an awful lot lately." He muttered in an accusing tone.

Stephen looked to the side and just shrugged.

Daniel's stare on him never shifted. "One could even think, you're hiding something." He said under his breath, but loud enough for Stephen to hear.

Stephen simply ignored the comment, in favour of pointing to a bush. "Look, there's an animal of some sort in there. I saw something move."

Daniel gave Stephen an unimpressed look. "You really think you can distract me like that?"

Stephen shushed the green haired man quickly. "I'm serious, look." He whispered, pointing at the bush.

To Daniel's surprise, the bush actually shook slightly.
Then between the green leafs, something came forward.
A rather small blue bird jumped out of it insecurely.

Stephen looked at Daniel smugly. "See, an animal. Now let's kill it." He said confidently.

Daniel looked at the small thing with a sceptical frown. "But, that thing is so small..."

"So? It's better than nothing." Stephen answered immediately.

"But look at it. It's so cute." Daniel mumbled guiltily, looking the birds wide amber eyes.

Stephen rolled his eyes. "Wow, so you don't kill cute things huh? That's superficial." He said in an almost offended tone of voice.

Daniel glared at him. "Well sorry, but that thing is obviously too innocent and young to die." Daniel bit back.

Stephen chuckled darkly. "Yeah, I thought you'd say that." He mumbled amusedly.

"What are you getting at?" Daniel proceeded to question, not removing his stare from the small animal.

Stephen took a deep breath before silently walking toward it. Slowly pulling his scythe from it's socket.

Daniel's eyes widened in shock. "Wh-what-"

Before any of them could continue their actions, they heard a loud, high pitched scream.
This startled not only them, but also the small bird, which flew away quickly.

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