ONE {The New Improvement}

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Two Years Earlier

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Two Years Earlier...

[When Our Story Begins]

"Can't Take Me Down Now, My Feet On The Ground Now"

"Can't Take Me Down Now, My Feet On The Ground Now"

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{Shay's P.O.V}

Those blue T-shirts were a familiar sight. Already a handful of people with Detroit Pistons T-shirts were lined up at the doors of Little Caesars Arena waiting for tonight's game- which still wasn't going to start up for another number of hours.

Everybody wanted to get in and get a good look. If that meant showing up hours beforehand, that's what they were going to do. Not one of them had a dull face on. I could see from my car's tinted windows that they all had eager faces on, all of them just waiting for the second security would let them in.

I passed by the long line on my way to the Arena's private parking garage, which was almost in sight from here.

It was only after a minute when I pulled into the tall grey building and showed security my ID. Shay Evelin Mitchell, Co-Owner of the Detroit Pistons. They let me in, lifting the barriers so I could drive through, barely needing to glance at my ID as I was a familiar face here by now.

High hopes were in the air today. Tonight wasn't going to be our average game. Tom said it was our hope that it would be a new chapter for the team, maybe a fresh start as the fall colors were a sign that it was still only the beginning of the NBA season.

Tonight was the first night that we played with our new improvement, Blake Griffin, who we traded with the LA Clippers to acquire. Blake arguably had talent, but more so star power, which only got people more hyped up than they already were about the trade. LA's golden boy was now out here in Detroit, stuck with us.

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