EIGHTEEN {Champagne Parties}

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"The Crazy Days, City Lights"

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{Shay's P.O.V}

From afar, the grand marble mansion looked golden from the bronzed over lights that reflected onto it. I watched the house, that easily could've been a castle by its size, grow as it came closer into view from where I sat in limousine across from Tom.

We were going to one of Tom's 'friend's' parties. The kind that was full of snobby people who were all dumb rich. I didn't have much room to talk on the matter, but at least I didn't bring it up in every conversation I had.

I didn't think about the fact I was 'rich' often. It was very much a part of my life, but not a part of me. In a way, I did see it as a level of success, but I also knew there was more to it.

"I presume that you're not excited," Tom says, breaking the silence of the long drive. He didn't bother to look up from his phone that glowed onto his face in the dark limousine that drove in the thick of the night.

"I'm not dreading it," I tell him still staring out of the tinted window as we drove further up the estate, passing all of the perfectly sharp cut bushes.

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