THREE {Looking Down}

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"And If You Know Me, When I Go Missing, You Know Where To Find Me"

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"And If You Know Me, When I Go Missing, You Know Where To Find Me"

"And If You Know Me, When I Go Missing, You Know Where To Find Me"

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{Shay's P.O.V}

The horn went off and the game had begun. I watched from up high, just another level above the nose bleeds where the camera crew stored a lot of their stuff. It was dark up here, but I could see the lit court clearly from up here.

There were chords scarred all over the floor, and broken cameras on tables in the back, but this was my spot. Every single home game we've had I've always sat up here looking down at the game from the balcony, watching my team in peace.

Tom always asked me to sit with him courtside, but I always declined. I preferred it up here much more than I ever did down there. Tom was already a headache and I didn't like his presence taking away my joy in watching the games. Plus I liked to be by myself when I watched the games, another person would just take away the fun.

I watched carefully each and every single blue uniform run down the court, watching every move, every breath, and every possible thought running through their heads. Although I was at a distance from the game, I could recognize each and every one of them.

They were playing defense right now, Andre was closer to the hoop as his eyes stayed glued on the ball which was up top, with Blake. He was right up with the opposing team's player who had possession of the ball.

Adrenaline ran thick throughout the air, it felt so tight that it felt wrong even for me to move an inch in fear that I could mess up the tension.

I enjoyed watching the games, I've always been a basketball fan ever since I was little. I got it from my dad. He always told me that if he was any taller he would've be in the NBA. He never made it to the NBA, but instead went to the army and still serves to this day.

I would always beg my mom as a kid to let me stay up and watch the games with my dad, she let me do it half of the time, but the other half I would have to cry to my barbies about it.

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