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"oh my god, that's him," jongdae said to jongin, staring at his father with wide eyes. he had just walked through the door, a sea of people immediately swarming him.

"it really is," jongin said in disbelief, "you owe me fifty bucks."

"shut up and hide me," jongdae said, immediately ducking behind jongin, who was much taller than he was.

"jongdae," jongin said very seriously, "i know i've not known you as long as your other friends, but i can positively say that you don't need to hide."

"what're you talking about?" jongdae asked, "that's kim woobin, jongin. he's an actor."

"he's your father. that takes away the specialness of him being an actor entirely. don't be intimidated by him," jongin told jongdae, "and even if he's a complete ass, at least you'll know you didn't miss out on getting to talk to him for the first time in seven years."

"you'll... you'll go with me, right?" jongdae asked jongin. jongin turned around, looking at him. he gave him an easy-going smile.

"of course," jongin nodded, "what kind of friend would i be if i didn't?"

jongdae nodded, peeking over jongin's shoulder. his mother and father were there, together, laughing as though they had never been apart. jongdae wasn't sure if he could laugh like that.

"do you want me to hold your hand?" jongin asked him. jongdae slowly nodded, grabbing onto jongin's and locking their fingers together tightly.

"i'm sorry if i cause any damage to your bones for squeezing too hard," jongdae told jongin. jongin laughed.

"don't worry about it," jongin smiled, "i'll heal. and you will too. i saw that little thing with the neighbor."

"ah, you did?" jongdae asked him, voice cracking. jongin sighed, pulling him into a hug, still holding his hand in his.

"it's going to get better, dae," jongin said, "we'll find you someone better, yeah?"

"yeah," jongdae nodded, closing his eyes, "thanks, nini."

"of course. now, let's go handle that situation," jongin told jongdae, releasing him from his grasp. jongdae nodded, slowly walking over to his mum and father, jongin right besides him.

"there you are, honey!" boyoung exclaimed happily, holding onto woobin's arm, "isn't this party just lovely?"

"yeah, mum, it's great," jongdae nodded, staring up at his father. the actor was taller than his son- jongdae got most of his looks from his mum, including his height.

"you have my eyes," woobin commented. jongdae nodded.

"yeah, i do," jongdae said, sticking his hand out, "hi."

"hello," woobin said, shaking his hand. jongdae hastily let it fall back to his side, clearing his throat.

"this- this is jongin," jongdae said, pointing at his taller friend.

"oh, great, is he your boyfriend?" woobin asked, shaking jongin's free hand.

"no, he has someone else," jongdae responded, "he's one of my closest friends. oh, here come the rest."

"hello, uncle woobin," baekhyun said, shaking woobin's hand, "how was america?"

"oh, it's perfect over there. no place like home, though," woobin said, looking around the house, "this was the house of my childhood."

"i suddenly want to move," jongdae whispered to junmyeon, who snickered.

"hi, mr. kim, i'm kim junmyeon, your son's other best friend," junmyeon said, jongdae's father shaking everyone's hand.

"ah, a ring? you're married?" woobin asked, surprised, "a bit young, aren't you?"

"i'm zhang yixing, his fiancé," yixing said, arm snaking around junmyeon's waist, "we're not getting married until another year, sir."

"park chanyeol," chanyeol said, baekhyun grabbing onto his arm, "i'm baekhyun's boyfriend."

"how nice," woobin smiled, looking to his son, "and you, jongdae-ah? do you have a boyfriend?"

"no," jongdae said, thinking of minseok. they never even agreed on a term. what was it... some type of fling?

jongdae decided he didn't like flings.

"excuse us, i'm gonna take jongdae to dance," jongin said, noticing how tight jongdae's grip was getting.

"of course," boyoung nodded, not realizing how jongdae was about to explode with anger.

"come on," jongin whispered to jongdae, pulling him to the living room, which had been cleared to be used as a dance floor.

"nini i don't know how to dance," jongdae told him as jongin pulled him into waltz position.

"just follow my lead; i'm saving you," jongin whispered to him, "so, what happened with minseok?"

"i don't even know what i was expecting," jongdae said as they began to dance alongside some others, voice hardly more than a whisper so no one but jongin could hear him, "it was my own dumb fault. screwing around with a married man?"

"did you both actually screw? cause i thought you were virgin, and i've not seen you limping around," jongin whispered back. jongdae shook his head.

"nah, we never actually did it," jongdae said, "but we did basically everything but."

"mm," jongin nodded in understanding, "so, what happened? it seemed everything was fine just a few minutes before."

"i'm idiotic and naive and way too hopeful," jongdae shook his head, loathing himself, "ask me what i asked him."

"what did you ask him?"

"i asked him if he loved his wife," jongdae laughed bitterly, "how stupid am i?"

"you're not stupid," jongin told him, "he was giving you mixed signals."

"it's just such a loaded question. i mean, of course he loves her, he is freaking married to her," jongdae whisper hissed, "tell me i'm an idiot."

"you're not an idiot," jongin told him, "he liked to be with you, he cared for you much more than someone who's married should. what you guys had- that wasn't a normal neighbors with benefits type of thing. you guys slept in the same bed, cuddled, watched tv together. you were basically a couple. if he loved her then he wouldn't have led you on like that. spin."

jongdae did a small spin, still waltzing with his friend, "i was asking for it though, to be hurt. i was the one who initiated everything. i kissed him first. i went out of my way to get his attention. what kind of outcome was i expecting?"

"a better one," jongin told him, suddenly dipping him low, their faces centimeters apart, "you expected a better outcome. you deserve a better outcome. how about we make him jealous, he's been staring at us since i approached you."

"and how do you reckon we do that?" jongdae asked him, jongin still holding him. jongin only smirked, connecting his lips with jongdae's.

"kiss back, he's watching," jongin whispered to jongdae. jongdae went out of his wave of shock and kissed jongin back, delving his hands into his air to make it seem like he was really into it.

they pulled apart, a couple of people staring at them. they began to dance to the next song.

"you have a kyungsoo," jongdae blinked as jongin led him around the dance floor.

"it's not like we're into each other. we're just making him jealous," jongin shrugged, "don't worry, i'm not into you like that."

"oh thank god, i was afraid things were gonna get really awkward right now," jongdae sighed in relief. jongin laughed as the smaller looked to where minseok was, meeting his eyes. minseok had his arm around soyeon, standing there absently while she talked with a couple other elites. minseok looked furious, eyes narrowed into a death glare at the two. jongdae shook his head, putting his full attention onto not stepping on jongin's feet.

we never should have happened. it was bound for failure. it absolutely never would have worked, and deep down i know that.

so why the hell am i so fucking disappointed?

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