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jongdae blinked as his mother shook him awake. he groaned, pulling the covers over his head.

"not this early, mum," he said tiredly.

"yes this early. up," boyoung said, "it's christmas, dae!"

"okay, okay," jongdae sighed, slowly sitting up in his bed, "merry christmas, mumma."

"merry christmas, sweetheart," boyoung smiled back, kissing his cheek, "come on, your father and i will be downstairs. your friends already left."

"lovely," jongdae said flatly, his mother not hearing the sarcasm.

"i know, right?" boyoung replied, "please wash your face and such, dae."

boyoung left the room, jongdae reluctantly getting up from his bed. he whined about how early it was, slowly walking over to his restroom. he washed his face and brushed his teeth before going back into his room. he threw on his glasses and a beanie, pulling down his long sleeved shirt to cover his cold hands. he looked outside his window.


dear god i'm such a kid, no wonder minseok likes his wife more.

"let's not think about that right now, it's a happy day," jongdae whispered to himself as he grabbed his phone. he texted all his friends merry christmas messages, then called his grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins to do the same.

once he had called everyone, he left his room, yawning as he went down the stairs carefully.

"merry christmas, jongdae-ah," his father told him. he nodded, giving a sleepy thumbs up.

"yup, you too," jongdae said, far too sleepy to comprehend what he was doing.

"here, have some hot chocolate, it's cold this morning and it'll warm you up," woobin told him, sliding over a mug.

"thanks," jongdae said, tiredly looking around for his mum, "doesn't your movie premiere today?"

"yeah, would you like to come to the grand premiere? you could meet the other actors," woobin told him. jongdae shook his head.

"no, i don't wanna," jongdae replied, half asleep, "i have to go over to everyone's house later on so i'm busy."

"is that what you usually do on christmas?" woobin asked, just realizing that jongdae would have to spend christmas alone if it weren't for his group of friends.

"i hang out with my friends, their parents are cool with them taking off after presents and family stuff to come over here so i won't be lonely. but sometimes i spend it with auntie seoyun," jongdae replied, "what do you usually do on christmas?"

"spend it with your mother," woobin said.

must be nice.

"dae! come sit, you have presents," boyoung said happily. jongdae nodded, walking over to the christmas tree, which had been moved to the corner of the living room instead of the middle.

"ah, did my friends leave their presents?" jongdae asked, boyoung nodding, "i'll have to give them theirs when they come back."

"here's a special one," boyoung said, handing jongdae the present that minseok left. jongdae rose an eyebrow, sleepily taking it.

"is this from you both?" jongdae asked as his father sat next to his mum on the couch.

"nope," woobin replied, arm wrapping around boyoung. jongdae started to get excited, wondering who it was from.

he tore the wrapping paper off, boyoung chuckling at his enthusiasm. he blinked when he saw the box. it had a note with it. he opted to read the note first.

merry christmas, peach

"minseokie?" jongdae whispered. only minseok called him peach. he set the note down carefully, shakily opening the box.

boyoung, woobin, and jongdae all gasped in unison, seeing the obviously expensive diamond bracelet. it was intricately designed, studded with little sapphires, his birthstone.

"holy hell," boyoung breathed out, "yah, how serious is it between you two?! i thought you were just fooling around!"

"we- we were," jongdae said, in a state of shock, "i only mentioned this once..."

"what're you talking about, only mentioned it once?" woobin asked, obviously confused.

"we were watching television, and some jewelry ad had come on. he was zoned out and i mentioned that this was pretty when i was half-asleep, and oh god this must've been a fortune, it's four and a half carat diamond and a half carat sapphire," jongdae said all at once, carefully holding the bracelet in his hands, "aish, what an idiot! why would he waste this much money! it hasn't even been a month!"

"wow.... just wow," boyoung said, "put it on."

"are you kidding? on my clumsy self?" jongdae scoffed, "i wouldn't be able to breathe properly with this on me!"

"you have to wear it, it probably costs more than the freaking tv you were watching!" boyoung replied. jongdae just stared at it.

"i ought to kill him," jongdae said, shaking his head, "god, what a complete fool, i thought i was the stupid one."

jongdae continued to curse to himself as he angrily put the bracelet on. it went perfectly with his skin tone. he let out a groan.

"damn it, why must he have good taste?!" jongdae exclaimed angrily, "he's the absolute worst! how could he buy me something so expensive?!"

boyoung and woobin watched amusedly as jongdae ranted about how freaking dumb minseok was, though deep down he was obviously jumping up and down with happiness from the present.

"-swine!" jongdae finished his rant, getting up furiously, "that little dipshit, i should go yell at him."

"take a jacket, it's cold," woobin told him. jongdae just continued cursing as he grabbed his jacket off the rack, marching out of the house with purpose. boyoung and woobin shared a look.

"is he always like this?" woobin asked boyoung. boyoung shrugged, turning on the tv and flipping through some channels. she sipped from her hot chocolate, leaning into her husband.

"he has his moments."

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