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"so how did you both meet?" soyeon asked, everyone watching sehun move around the kitchen like an expert.

"i saw him and knew immediately we'd be dating before long," sehun shrugged.

"and why's that?" soyeon asked, "surely a guy like you can have anyone he wants, huh?"

it took sehun a moment to realize that soyeon was flirting with him.

"ah, please do not flirt with me, ma'am," sehun said bluntly, smile dropping, "its bad manners, especially since i'm just here because my boyfriend asked me to be."

soyeon was shocked that she was called out, but quickly recovered. minseok was holding back a laugh. he liked this sehun guy. he was daring.

"ah, you misunderstood, i'm happily married."

"very well," sehun nodded, though he could tell that 'happy' wasn't a word used when describing minseok's marriage, "and i instantly fell for jongdae. there is no one else for me, i care for no one else."

jongdae slightly beamed. sehun was really selling it.

"thanks, hunnie," jongdae smiled.

"so... two years," soyeon cleared her throat, "that's quite the milestone."

"i'm not quite sure how you've dealt with me this long, i'm pretty annoying," jongdae sighed.

"yes, you are," sehun nodded, agreeing, "but it's alright, i like it."

jongdae wasn't quite sure how to handle this side of sehun. he was being sweet, loving. totally different from the usual 'i'm a bad bitch and i never smile' routine. he reminded himself to thank sehun endlessly once dinner was finished.

"so, was he your first boyfriend, then?"

"thought i was straight before i met him," sehun said, shrugging, "had a few girlfriends, nothing serious."

"and now, now it's serious?" soyeon asked. jongdae could see sehun struggling to keep in a laugh of pure amusement.

"oh absolutely," sehun said, biting his lip to hold back a snicker, "i'm planning on marrying him one day."

everyone except for soyeon could see how much bullshit sehun was spitting out, could see the way he was struggling to hold back his laughs. minseok found it pretty amusing- sehun being able to lie so easily, soyeon being completely oblivious to the situation.

"diamond bracelet was just a step closer to the diamond ring, hmm?" soyeon asked. sehun nodded, hands shaking as he did his absolute best to hold back his laughs.

"are you alright?" soyeon asked sehun, "you're shaking."

"i'm alright, i'm sorry," sehun said, "i just get so emotional when i think of marrying him, please give me a minute."

sehun turned around, smothering his laughs with his hand. his shoulders shook, making it look like he really was crying.

"ah, he's so sweet," soyeon cooed. jongdae nodded, biting back giggles.

"oh yeah, my sehunnie is the sweetest," jongdae nodded, rubbing sehun's back up and down, "there there, babe, it's alright."

"i just love you so much, dae," sehun choked out, silencing his laughter. he was laughing so hard that tears were actually coming out of his eyes, but he forced himself to calm down.

"ah, please excuse me," sehun said, wiping at his teary eyes, "i don't know what came over me. let me bread this chicken and then i'll cook it properly."

"take your time," soyeon said, genuinely believing that sehun was a sensitive type of guy even though he had never heard of the word emotion in his life.

"he's great," minseok whispered to jongdae when soyeon was busy watching sehun bread the chicken. jongdae nodded, grinning.

"isn't he?" he whispered back. it didn't take long before the food was served, sehun making a fresh batch of french fries as a side.

"please enjoy," sehun said as they all sat at the dining table. they all ate.

"easily the best fried chicken i've ever had," soyeon commented, "where did you learn to make this?"

"my mother owns a fried chicken restaurant," sehun said, now slightly bored with the situation since the initial excitement died down. you could see it in his face- he was back to his stoic attitude.

"oh, how nice," minseok commented, jongdae nodded.

"yeah, it's really good," jongdae said, poking sehun's cheek. the elder gave a small smile at the cuteness, pushing jongdae's hand away from his precious face.

"you should stop by more often," sehun whispered to jongdae seriously, "i'm always bored."

"i'll visit more," jongdae agreed, finishing his chicken.

"ah, jongdae, you have a hickey showing," soyeon said uncomfortably. jongdae tried to look down on his neck but ended up hurting himself.

"aish, you helpless fool, be careful," sehun frowned, fixing jongdae's head upright, "and it's fine, ms. kim, i like it when he shows them off."

sehun pulled jongdae's shirt down a little more, exposing the hickey completely. minseok held in a smirk, winking at sehun. sehun winked back when soyeon was busy staring at jongdae's neck.

"ah, you kids must be wild, that looks very dark," soyeon laughed a little. jongdae blushed, picking at his chicken.

"mm, he's rough, which i like," jongdae whispered, nodding, "but he's sweet afterwards so i enjoy it even more."

minseok smiled to himself, knowing damn well that jongdae was talking about him. he watched as sehun cleared his throat, placing more chicken on jongdae's plate.

"eat well," sehun told him, "so, ms. kim, what do you do for a living? that's a very expensive brand you're wearing."

"i'm a retail worker at a grocery store thirty minutes from here," soyeon said, gesturing to minseok, "he's the ceo of an entertainment company."

"ah, k entertainment?" sehun asked. minseok nodded.

"hmm, that's cool. having to deal with crappy customers must be stressful, ms. kim," sehun told soyeon.

"it's mrs. kim, sehun," soyeon said, not upset because she figured it must've been an honest mistake.

"i'm sorry, ms. kim, but isn't that what i said?" sehun asked. jongdae swallowed the chicken in his mouth, smiling to himself since he knew exactly what sehun was doing- after all, he had done the same thing himself upon meeting soyeon.

"ah, no, dear, you said 'ms. kim'. not 'mrs. kim'," soyeon said. sehun frowned.

"oh, but you don't mind if i continue to call you ms. kim, do you?" sehun asked, "when i say mrs. kim i instantly think of jongdae's mother."

"huh, i suppose that's alright," soyeon said. jongdae really took in her appearance- she had gotten a haircut. jongdae didn't care enough to notice, but he noticed it looked strikingly similar to the haircut his mother had. jongdae smirked to himself, shaking his head. a certain sense of pride waved over him. getting away with sleeping with minseok right under her nose was just so surreal.

your husband is great in bed.

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