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jongdae cuddled closer to minseok, trying to push the thoughts out of his head. it had been a few days, and yet sehun's words still wouldn't leave his mind.

"what's on your mind, baby?" minseok asked him, locking his fingers with jongdae. it was more of a fluffy type of meet- the two cuddling on jongdae's bed while television played softly in the background.

"ah, it's nothing," jongdae shook his head, "just thinking a little."

"that's never a good thing," minseok joked. jongdae slightly slapped his chest.

"i'm being serious, minseok," jongdae told him. minseok nodded, smile dropping from his face.

"okay, what's up, then?" minseok asked jongdae, gingerly caressing his cheek, "what's got my precious peach thinking so hard?"

"hmm... forget it," jongdae sighed, "it's stupid."

"yah, you can't mention something then not tell me what you mean by it," minseok laughed slightly, "seriously, what's going on?"

"minseok, where does your wife think you are right now?" jongdae asked him. minseok rose an eyebrow, not sure where this was going.

"the gym, why?"

"you say you're one hundred percent mine," jongdae said. minseok nodded, agreeing with that statement.

"but how can you be when she wears a ring legally binding you to her?" jongdae asked. minseok blinked.

"ah, what sparked this? you were fine before," minseok frowned. jongdae shook his head, sitting up.

"minseok, you're always going to put her before me because that's your wife," jongdae said, "i may wear your diamond bracelet, yeah, but she wears your diamond ring and i just- i just can't pretend like she doesn't anymore."

"i love you," minseok told him. it hit jongdae in a million different ways- sadness, happiness, anger, disbelief, all rolled into one. it was the first time that minseok had actually said it.

"you love her more," jongdae said, eyes beginning to water. minseok shook his head.

"no, jongdae, i love you so much-"

"then why are you with her?" jongdae sobbed out, turning away from minseok and covering his face.

"jongdae, don't cry," minseok told him sadly, "you know how much i hate it when you cry, it hurts me, baby."

"then why are you with her?" jongdae repeated, "answers, minseok, answers."

"because... because she's my-"

"your wife. yeah, i know," jongdae let out bitterly, "and i'm just a fling, yeah?"

"no, you're my boyfriend," minseok said. jongdae shook his head, suddenly being overwhelmed by emotion.

"no, no, you can't have both, you just can't," jongdae whimpered out, "it's me or her, minseok, you just can't have both."

"you're asking me to choose?" minseok asked, shocked. jongdae nodded, still covering his face.

"c-choose," jongdae croaked out, voice hoarse, "stop stringing me along if there's no hope for us, minseok, just stop."

"i- i should go," minseok whispered. jongdae let out a laugh that sounded more like a cry.

"y-yeah, fucking go," jongdae nodded, taking his bracelet off and flinging it at minseok, "take that with you."

minseok stared at the younger in hurt, hardly being able to catch the bracelet. he looked at it, then at jongdae, heart slightly shattering.

"leave!" jongdae yelled, "if you're gonna go, go already!"

minseok slowly walked out of jongdae's room, leaving the younger to sob out loudly once his bedroom door shut.

"damn it," jongdae said, wiping the tears from his eyes, "should i have kept quiet... no, no. it's better this happen now rather than later."

still, jongdae couldn't slow his tears. they just kept coming, sobs overwhelming him until it felt like he couldn't breathe. he slowly got up from his bed. he needed someone to listen. he wasn't quite sure where he thought he was going when he slowly stumbled out of his house, but he trudged through the cold snow until he was in front of a familiar little restaurant.

maybe he won't want to see me...

sehun spotted him through the window. his eyes widened, and he rushed outside, quickly pulling into the warm restaurant.

"aish, you fool, are you crazy? it's freezing outside!" sehun exclaimed angrily, "what're you trying to do, get fucking frostbite?!"

"don't lecture me right now," jongdae shook his head, staring at the ground. sehun stopped, already knowing what had happened since jongdae wasn't wearing his bracelet.

"do you want to talk about it?"

"you don't," jongdae said. sehun pulled him to a booth in the corner of the restaurant.

"you're damn right i don't. but i'm your friend, and it's my job to listen to you about these sort of subjects," sehun's eyebrows furrowed together, "now, tell me what happened."

"dear god- everything's so fucked," jongdae sobbed, no longer able to hold in his tears as he tightly grabbed onto sehun, burying his head into his chest. sehun clenched his jaw but let the boy cry on him, his shirt wetting from jongdae's tears.

"there there," sehun sighed, rubbing jongdae's back up and down, "easy now, deep breaths. explain calmly, dae."

"i'm s-so sorry, hunnie," jongdae cried, "i k-know this i-isn't fair for you, m-me coming here."

"do not worry about me," sehun scolded him, "it isn't your job to worry about whether or not things are fair for me- newsflash, jongdae, the world isn't fair. so stop worrying about me, because i will handle anything you throw at me. now, for the love of god, tell me what happened."

"you're- you're such a good guy, hunnie," jongdae blabbered out. sehun's heart was beating so quickly that it was almost concerning, jongdae being very very into his space bubble.

"you deserve better," sehun whispered to him, eyes closing as painful emotions hit him, "don't worry, jongdae, everything will work itself out... just please stop crying. i can't take seeing you like this."

"i wish i fell in love with you instead," jongdae cried. sehun shook his head, arms wrapping around jongdae.

"don't say those thing, jongdae," sehun said quietly, "don't talk like this. at the end of the day you're still going to love him, so please don't hurt me with those words."

"i'm sorry," jongdae sniffled into his strong chest, "i- i didn't k-know where i was going and then i ended up here somehow and-"

"take a break," sehun told him, "take a second, collect yourself. it's going to be fine, jongdae. it'll be alright, don't worry about me. i can take it, i promise. just tell me what happened, it'll make you feel better."

sehun could hardly listen as jongdae finally started to go over what had happened, instead staring at his puffy eyes and red nose. he shook his head to himself, a hand clenching into a fist behind his back.

kim minseok is the luckiest guy in the world, and he doesn't even realize it.

what a fucking idiot he must be to not pick you immediately.

what a fucking idiot he must be to make you cry like this.

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