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"can things please get better between us?" minseok asked soyeon the moment they got back into their house. soyeon seemed surprised by the request.

"what're you talking about?" soyeon asked him, rolling her eyes as she took off her coat, "there's nothing wrong with our relationship."

"are you saying that we have a perfect marriage?" minseok asked, staring at soyeon as if she had grown two more heads. soyeon sighed, turning to minseok.

"look, minseok," soyeon told him, "our marriage has worked. it will continue to work. let's not change a thing that's working."

with that, soyeon sauntered off. minseok sat on the couch, letting everything hit him all at once.

jongdae hates me.

soyeon hates me.

i hate soyeon.

i don't hate jongdae.

i like jongdae- no, it's more than that.

i... i don't know, i just need jongdae.

"i should go apologize," minseok whispered to himself, "wait, no, he's busy today. i'll go tomorrow."

"minseok, did you make peach tea?" soyeon asked him, "you know i hate peach tea."

"it's for me," minseok replied.

"well where's the regular tea?"

"i don't know, just make one!" minseok replied, "dear god, soyeon, enough is enough!"

soyeon, startled by his outburst, nearly dropped the pitcher of peach tea. minseok got up from the couch angrily, marching over to her.

"i am not your slave," minseok told her, voice deep, "i do not have to wake up at five in the morning to go make you earl grey. i do not have to wake up in five the morning to go buy some more earl grey tea bags. i do not have to get you your heating pads, or pretend like i don't know where you're actually going when you say you're going to a friends house. i do not have to do your laundry, pay your bills, or give you money to shop for ridiculously expensive clothes. we do not have a bank account together. everything is mine- this entire house, the furniture, even your clothes are mine. i do not have you clean up after you or go buy you things that you want from the store. i do that because i am a good husband. so, for the love of god, stop fucking complaining all the time."

minseok walked away, going to his bedroom. he slammed the door, locking it. for all he cared, soyeon could sleep on the couch that night. he knew she wouldn't, of course, she would grab her coat and go over to a 'friends' house.

when did my marriage come to this?

"god damn it," minseok whispered to himself, angrily taking off his coat and sitting on his bed. he looked over to the side where soyeon slept.

i preferred it when jongdae was sleeping there instead.

"i should have said i didn't," minseok berated himself, "i don't even love her. i love her because i have to, not because of who she is or her personality."

jongdae has the best personality.

"aish, i'm acting like a lovesick schoolboy," minseok groaned, head falling back into his pillow. he stared at the ceiling.

wait... lovesick schoolboy...

oh fuck, did i fall in love with a minor? goddamn it...

i remember when i used to be smart. i miss those days.

"god i'm such an idiot. who the hell falls in love with teenagers while they're married?" minseok shook his head at himself.

minseok sighed, giving up as he closed his eyes. whatever he was feeling- he'd deal with it tomorrow. falling asleep wasn't easy- he was more emotionally tired than physically, but eventually he was able to slip into unconsciousness.

when minseok woke up, it was christmas morning. he checked his alarm clock besides him- seven in the morning. he let out a groan as he got up from his bed, trudging to his bathroom. he washed his face, finger combed through his hair so that it wasn't such a mess, and then slowly went to the linen closet. he grabbed a fluffy blanket and threw it around his shoulders, keeping in warmth before he reached under his bed to grab the christmas present.

he carefully walked into the living room. there was a note on the coffee table, soyeon told him that she left to spend christmas with her parents. he sighed. it had been like that for a few years now- soyeon leaving unbelievably early to go to her parent's house for the holiday.

minseok slowly left his house, the cold hitting him instantly. it was snowing outside. he clutched the christmas gift closer to his chest as he slowly made his way over to jongdae's house, thankful that he had worn thick socks and fluffy slippers. at least his feet weren't cold.

he knocked on the door, not really expecting anyone to open it since it was so early. but jongdae's mother did, smiling when she saw minseok.

"minseok! how lovely! merry christmas," boyoung said brightly. minseok smiled back.

"merry christmas, boyoung," minseok said. she gasped.

"oh my, come in, come in, it's so cold out!" she exclaimed.

"ah, no thank you. i'm not here to stay," minseok explained, passing her the wrapped gift, "would you please give this to jongdae?"

"why don't you do it yourself, hmm? he's not up yet, but he will be soon. we have hot chocolate," boyoung said.

"ah, i don't think jongdae wants to see me right now," minseok said a bit sadly, holding the box out for boyoung to take. she rose an eyebrow but took it.

"lover's spat?" she asked. minseok's eyes widened.

"ah- he told you," minseok said, surprised, "please do not think of me as some gross pedophile."

"i won't," boyoung smiled, "have a nice christmas, minseok."

"you as well," minseok nodded before turning to leave.

"minseok," boyoung said, catching his attention, "you do care for my son, don't you?"

"yes," minseok nodded. she smiled.

"good. otherwise i would have had to beat you with a sock full of quarters," boyoung said happily, then closing the door. minseok chuckled, then leaving back to his own house.

merry christmas, jongdae.

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