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minseok slowly treaded up the stairs, wondering how the hell he was supposed to word it. he stopped for a second in front of jongdae's bedroom door. what if he didn't want to see him? still, he knocked.

"come in," jongdae's voice said faintly. minseok twisted the knob, stepping into the room. jongdae was sitting at his bay window, staring out the window. minseok opted to sit in front of him.

"hi," minseok said softly. jongdae looked to him.

"if you came to apologize or say you're moving or something, leave me alone," jongdae told minseok.

"i'm moving," minseok said. jongdae sighed, looking at the ground.

"i get that you don't want to be my neighbor anymore after all of this, but you don't have to come here to tell me-"

"yeah, i kind of have to move out when divorcing my wife," minseok spoke, cutting jongdae off. he watched as jongdae's eyes widened for a second before turning to minseok.

"i'm sorry, r-repeat?" he stammered out.

"i'm moving," minseok smiled, watching jongdae internally freak out.

"no, the bit after that," jongdae said, "you're... you're leaving her?"

"oh, that," minseok said, holding back a laugh, "yeah, i'm leaving her."

"what- why?" jongdae asked incredulously.

"well, i mean, it's totally got nothing to do with a minor that i happened to fall in love with or anything," minseok said sarcastically. jongdae's eyes narrowed.

"you better be talking about me or else i'll have tao wushu you."

"yes, dumbass, i'm talking about you," minseok told jongdae. jongdae's eyes lit up and a dinosaur like grin spread onto his face.

"really?" he asked, looking at minseok's hand. no wedding band.

"i love you and i only love you," minseok told jongdae. jongdae tackled him in a hug, the pair falling into the ground.

"you have no clue how badly i wanted you to say that," jongdae told minseok, the both of them still on the ground. minseok let out an 'oof', his back hitting the wooden floor harshly and jongdae laying on top of him.

"ouch," minseok grumbled, hands snaking around jongdae's waist. jongdae ducked his head into the crook of the elder's neck.

"all mine, minseokie," jongdae whispered against him. minseok chuckled, feeling jongdae's heart beat against his own.

"so possessive, my little peach," minseok said back, jongdae giggling. he moved his head forward, lips brushing against minseok's.

"just a moment," minseok told jongdae, pulling the bracelet out of his jacket pocket. he put it on jongdae's wrist, jongdae smiling the whole while.

"minseok," jongdae suddenly said, "if you ever make me cry again, baekhyun promised me he would castrate you."

"i believe it," minseok smiled up at jongdae, "and i won't. i promise, kim jongdae, from this day forward i will only ever make you smile."

"good," jongdae grinned, "cause junmyeon is starting to get pregnancy mood swings, and he'd kick your ass if he knew you made me cry."

"are all of your friends out to get me?" minseok rose an eyebrow. jongdae laughed.

"essentially, yes."

"oh great," minseok said, voice leaking sarcasm, "consider me a lucky one, then."

"you're sitting here with me, obviously you're blessed," jongdae rolled his eyes, "now, shut up and kiss me, cause you're starting to annoy me."

minseok let out a chuckle as he pulled jongdae down, their lips pressing together softly. jongdae smiled into it. minseok was finally his- no more sneaking around when soyeon was at work, no more having to miss out on giving minseok hickeys, no more having to pretend that minseok was nothing more than a neighbor to him.

"i love you," jongdae told minseok, then cracking a grin, "wrinkles and all."

"you little shit- i love you too."


i hope you all enjoyed my story, please follow me if you haven't already, it means a lot

a special thanks to iwastalkingtoPatches for always supporting my writing even though it may be cringe (i love you) 💜


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