♣️Chapter 7♣️

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Next day Jimin woke up when he heard a soft knock. Jeongguk had left a bit early to deal with some matters, leaving Jimin alone to sleep. He knew how exhausted the said boy was and at least needed a few days rest before getting used to his new environment.

Outside the wooden door stood Namjoon and Jin waiting for some sort of confirmation to come inside. Earlier Jeongguk had visited them asking Namjoon to slowly start teaching Jimin the basics and Jin to personally make sure Jimin eats different type of foods so his stomach would start accepting it. However after waiting for a few minutes they soon realized Jimin wasn't comfortable yet to talk to them so they decided to welcome themselves in.

Jimin got up into a sitting position once he heard the door Creek open and in came two unfamiliar figures. Jimin tried to keep his anxiety aside as his one hand clutched the soft blanket while the other rubbed his swollen eyes. He had just woken up and his vision was still a bit blurry. His action made the two males coo at how adorable the boy was looking while he rubbed his eyes with a small pout evident on his plump pink lips.

"Um hi there... I'm Jin but you can call me Hyung" Jin introduced himself as he got in holding a small tray that consisted of Jimin's breakfast.

Jimin wasn't sure how to reply as he bit his lips and gave Jin a small smile telling him it's okay and that he understands.

"Well I know you're not yet comfortable to talk to us but don't worry we'll fix that soon. And this is-"

"I'm Namjoon! But you can call me Hyung as well" Namjoon smiled interrupting Jin who was glaring at him for cutting him off.

"And you don't cut off especially when I'm talking! So anyhow like I was saying you will meet the others soon enough" Jin said and cautiously sat down next to Jimin on his bed.

Surprisingly Jimin didn't flinch back or showed any hint of discomfort because he didn't feel scared by the two kind males. Namjoon was observing his behavior closely so he could figure him out. He needs to know what Jimin is going through and his feeling to help him settle here.

Once Jimin saw the tray filled with different fruits his eyes filled up with excitement.

"F-frwut?" Jimin asked as he pointed towards himself, asking if the bowl filled with delicious cuts of fruits were for him.

"Yes fruits! They're for you but you need to start taking other food as well so let's try this boiled egg first okay" Namjoon replied surprised after hearing Jimin's soft voice. He made a mental note from Jimin's behavior to his stuttering pronunciation.

Jimin looked cluelessly at the white boiled egg that was cut in half. It's been years since he saw an egg or got a chance to eat one. However the events of previous day played inside his head where he got scolded by the rude maid for not using a fork, so he was a bit hesitant.

"What's wrong?" Jin asked noticing how Jimin was looking at the tray longingly but not making a move.

"H-hand?" Jimin hesitantly asked as he pointed towards his hand and then towards the egg. It took Jin a second before he realized what the boy meant.

"Oh yes! You can use your hands for now it's okay" Jin assured him as he picked up the half cut boiled egg and placed it carefully in Jimin's hands.

Once hearing Jins soft voice assure him he excitedly brought the egg forward and took a big bite. Instantly his mouth was filled with a unique delicious saltish flavour that he had never tasted before.

"You like it?" Namjoon asked to which Jimin gave an excited nod.

"Well I'll prepare my study for him, Hyung make sure to guide him there after he's done eating" Namjoon said and took his leave.

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