♣️Chapter 19♣️

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Its been a few hours after Jimin had his little episode. The said boy had fallen asleep, not aware of the new cage that he has been locked into.

Jimin woke up with guilt written all over his face. He wasn't someone who would behave in such manner but Jeongguk being busy and not giving him much attention was something that was bugging him every single day.

They used to have every meal together but now it would be a blessing to even see him before he leaves or locks himself in his office for hours. It's not that Jimin doesn't love his other Hyungs, he does but Jeongguk was able to build a special place in his heart.

When he had given up and accepted his life back at the forest, Jeongguk had come to him and rescued him. He had given him hope. After seeing another human, he wanted to know him, what he likes, what he dislikes, how he talks, how he smiles and what he does.

He wanted to fight away the loneliness inside him and look towards something new. He left his mother back and trusted Jeongguk to take care of him. When he had stood up for him in front of the maid, he felt protected. When he agreed to his small wishes, he felt wanted. When he smiles at him and deliver small kisses, he felt loved. Even when he would yell at him, he felt as if he did something wrong.

He wants to look good in front of him, he wants to be someone who Jeongguk would look at, like he does to him. He tries his best to never disappoint him because for him, leaving Jeongguk will be more painful than death.

There were times where he wished to tell the said male how he felt, how he felt confused on whats been going on around him, when he wouldn't understand, when he felt belittled or when he felt lonely. But he never did, or not more than a few times because he wouldn't wish to be seen as a whining kid and be a bother.

After a good nap, Jimin decided to apologise to Jeongguk for behaving the way he did. He decided to make something for him. He quickly jumped of his bed and made his way towards his study table. After settling down he took out his box of crayons and a white A4 size paper.

He allowed his hands to move freely as he already had in his mind what he wants to draw. After minutes of mumbling and changing crayons that messily coloured the sheet Jimin was done. He grabbed a blue crayon and messily scribbled a "sworry" in between the two figures he had drawn.

He made a small forest with a few trees and two stick figure standing in between. One was smaller than the later and had mango in his hand while the other who had a bunny smile was holding a small suitcase. It was more of a mixed memory that he had drawn.

"I hwope gguk lwikes it" Jimin smiled excitedly as he turned towards the window. It was dark outside but the lightening was enough to scare the younger. He hates storms because it always reminds him of the day he got lost. He doesn't remember much from that day but sound of thunder always makes times to greet him in his nightmares.

Putting his fear aside Jimin decided to finally go and apologise to Jeongguk. His small feet patted towards the door but when he tried to turn the knob it wouldn't budge. He tried once again lightly kicking against the door but it wasn't working!

The loud sound coming from outside weren't helping the boy calm down and now he felt as if the room was caging up on him. Before he could control himself, hot tears were cascading down his cheeks as he yelled at the top of his lungs, hoping someone would come and take him away.

"JEONGGUK!!! min c-can't get ouwt!"



"Yoongi hyung hewlp min, Joonie im scared"

Jimin kept on yelling as tried to push against the door but he heard no sound coming from the other end. No one was responding back to him. He couldn't help but cry hysterically as he kept on banging against the door.

Jeongguk pov:

"GROW THE FUCK UP JEON AND LET HIM OUT!" Jin yelled at Jeongguk who had hidden the key and had warned everyone to not go to Jimin. But it hurt them all especially when they heard the loud yells call out to them for help but they couldn't.

"He's the one who needs to grow up. He won't learn if he's not punished, he needs to know who's in charge!" Jeongguk replied as he sipped his coffee, ignoring the yells. Deep down he knew he felt weird by hearing Jimins yells but the other side had dominated over and he wants respect.

"This is not the way Jeongguk. He could be scared or something! Lets take him-"

"If you even dared to go near that door I'll forget who you are to me" Jeongguk threatened.

"STOP BEING A JERK! you're making an issue out of nothing!" Yoongi finally lost his cool when he heard Jimin yell out to him.

"No you're not getting it. Its part of the training. He needs to be strong and get his emotions under control. He needs to behave and respect me. As much as i love you all I can't handle disrespect. The major reason why no one dares to go against me is because of the respect i have earned. My father told me two things that a man should never loose, respect and loyalty. He needs to respect me"

"And you think scaring the fuck out of him will make him respect you! How can you expect that from him when he isn't even sure of whats he doing! He doesn't even know what we do or how things are done and you expect him to... him to respect you. Like you just said... you have to earn his respect not force it out of him!"

"My father trained me and trust me im being way gentle"

"You don't have to be like your father! There are different ways, less brutal! You know what! do what ever the fuck you want but im leaving! There's no way im staying here to listen to his cries and make myself suffer"

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!" Jeongguk yelled as he threw away his cup that shattered on the marbled floor.

"Im going to say it again. Not everything your father did was good, don't be like him. Im leaving I'll be back by tomorrow" Yoongi blurted out as he made his way out, ignoring the loud calls from his hyungs.

The silence left behind was sickening. They couldn't even hear Jimin now which worried Jin a lot.

Fuck it!

Jin glared at Jeongguk before running up stairs towards Jimins door.

"Jimin! Sweet can you hear me! HYUNG IS RIGHT OUTSIDE! Min!" Jin yelled from the other side as he furiously knocked on the door but he was only greeted by silence and approaching footsteps.

"Jimin!" Jin yelled again and again but the younger didn't reply back.

"Jeongguk! Open the door there's something wrong with Jimin! He's not replying back!" Jin begged as he looked at Jeongguk who stood behind him.

"Maybe he got tired and went to sleep. Go and sleep hyung I'll open the door in the morning, I planned it to be at least 2 days but I'll let him out in the morning" Jeongguk finalised and went back to his room, ignoring the heavy feeling that was soaring against his heart. But the constant glare of his father kept on dominating.

Jimins pov:

Back inside the room, Jimin had heard all those loud yells before he welcomed his panic attack to slump him down into oblivion on the soft carpeted floor.

Authors note:

At first I'd like to apologise for taking so long to update and also for the Inkitt thing. I realises its not easy for many to move their and I can't be selfish to ask you guys to do that. I swear it wasn't my intent to force anyone. A few users DM me saying how unfair it is to them since not everyone can download many apps and how im forcing them to make an account just to read my book. Im really sorry if someone felt that way it wasn't my intent! I feel selfish and guilty so please forgive me.

I hope you enjoy this update I'll try to update as soon as i get more time.
Thank you for being patient with me 🌹

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