♣️Chapter 18♣️

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"Okay...just try to balance both your feet on the paddle okay!" Hoseok encouraged a frustrated Jimin who has been trying constantly to keep both his feet on the paddle of his bicycle but they keep on slipping from the surface.

"I-im trwying!" Jimin pouted as he tried to keep himself stable.

"I told you this was a bad idea Yoongi! We should have attached the learners wheels on the side so he could practice on his own first!" Hoseok scolded Yoongi who just rolled his eyes.

"He should start from the hardest part or else he would get used to the help and thats a no no in my dictionary"

"Well then fucking upgrade it!" Hoseok snarled as he tried to hold Jimins bicycle still.

After securing his feet on the paddles Jimin was now ready to take the next step.

"Okay now Munchkin I'll hold the seat from the back so don't be scared you won't fall off okay. Just paddle and turn" Hoseok instructed Jimin who gave a confident nod.

"Lets go!"

Jimin was scared because of the shaky movement but tried to slowly move his feet and made sure to have a tight grip around the handles.

"Okay... okay! You're doing great!" Yoongi yelled as he saw Hoseok follow behind Jimin trying to not let the boy fall or else they would have to face the wrath of Jeongguk.

"Reawlly!" Jimin smiled as he tried to turn the bicycle but before he could stable the bicycle tripped, dragging Hoseok along with him as well.

"Shit! You okay Jimin!" Yoongi cursed as he ran towards them helping them both up.

"I-im fwine but my hand hwurts" Jimin pouted as he showed his hand that was dressed in a ugly red scratch from the fall.

"Oh fu- i mean lets get inside" yoongi corrected himself as he lead Jimin inside. Jimin kept on pouting as he tried to scratch the itchy wound. But yoongi held both of his hands.

"Don't do that! Now sit and wait till i get the first aid kit" Yoongi scolded Jimin as he made him sit on the couch.

Jimin was about to get up and go back outside when he saw Jeongguk making his way down as he talked over the phone sounding very serious, the voice he used to talk to him is completely different from his tone now.

"-and make sure to arrive at the exact time, bye." Jeongguk ended the call as he approached Jimin who was glaring at him, or tried to.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jeongguk asked as he observed the younger pout and glare at him

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"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jeongguk asked as he observed the younger pout and glare at him.

Jimin was actually quite angry at the said male for not giving him much attention. Its been over a week since he last sat down and had a meal with Jeongguk. Jin had tried to explain to him that Jeongguk is a busy man however he doesn't care.

"Im asking you something Min"

"You dwont call Jimin min!" Jimin blurted out as he continued to glare at him with an adorable pout settled over his face.

"What! Why?" Jeongguk asked, surprised at Jimins words while trying to control himself from pinching his chubby cheeks.

"You are mean! Thwats why"

Jeongguk was about to ask him but his eyes landed over his right palm that had a harsh scratch over it with a bit of blood greeting the surface of the wound.

"What happened?! Did you fell?" Jeongguk asked worried as he tried to grab Jimins hand.

"Yes. I was rwiding with Hobi hyung" Jimin replied as he pushed his palm towards Jeongguks face, loving the warmth that emits from the said mans hand.

"Oh well just wash it up, its nothing major" Jeongguk said casualty as he slipped his hand back.

But Jimin didn't accept such behaviour. He couldn't let him leave so soon!

"IT IS! Lwook its red!" Jimin cried as he tried to welcome his crocodile tears, hoping they won't betray him this time.

"Its going to be fine, be a strong boy" Jeongguk smiled as he ruffled Jimins hair to annoy the boy more.

And that was the mast straw of Jimins patience, before Jeongguk could even bring his hand back, Jimin brought his right leg back and kicked Jeongguk as hard as he could.

"OUCH! WTF" Jeongguk yelled as he dropped down on the floor, clutching his left leg as curses kept on slipping out of his tongue.

"Meanie!" Jimin yelled back as he stomped his way back towards his room, making sure to take two steps at a time in case Jeongguk decides to follow him.

Yoongi rushed towards the noise only to find Jeongguk pinching the bridge of his nose trying to control his breathing.

"What the fuck happened?" Yoongi asked as he gave his hand for the said male to take.

"You all are spoiling him too much! Thats whats happening! That brat just kicked me!" Jeongguk let out his frustration. Dealing with childish behaviour is one thing but one thing he detests the most besides liars is disrespect. And no one ever dared to kick his leg like that.

"Oh okay why don't you calm down and I'll go talk to h-" yoongi started to say when he realised Jeongguk was actually angry.

"NO! Let him be, no one is going to call him, if he's behaving like a brat then he will be treated like one" Jeongguk finalised making yoongi worry.

"He's still adjustin-"

"He wasn't like this before, adjusting doesn't mean to act like a spoiled brat. No one is to go or call him till i say so" Jeongguk said as he marched towards his office.

Yoongi wanted to rush and talk him out of it but he knew its better to let him calm down first. Jeongguk was quick to grab his keys as he made his way towards Jimins door.

Some may think he is overreacting but he has never been kicked and disrespected like that. People bow at his feet and here he let a boy kick his feet when he was being so nice to him. Two things his father had taught him, loyalty and respect. He was expected to do the same and now others are to do the same for him.

Jimin busied himself inside the bathroom, not aware of the man outside who locked his door and went back to his office.
He has important things to deal with.

Author note
I know the book is back, my mind wouldn't let me rest in peace till i properly finish what i had planned for this book. The ending will be completely different however the chapters won't be that long. I will try to update when i can but I'll try not to make you guys wait.
Enjoy 🌹

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