♣️Chapter 11 ♣️

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Climbing back up from his private gym in the basement, Jeongguk did not expect to see Yoongi march up to him with an uncertain look plastered over his face.

"isn't it a bit too early for you to be out of bed Hyung?" Jeongguk teased as he discarded his damp towel.

"Well we have some un-welcomed guest arriving soon" Yoongi announced, rolling his eyes at it.

"well if they aren't welcomed then they aren't our guest" Jeongguk pointed out before both of them made their way towards the main office.

Hoseok was already there talking in hushed voices with Namjoon, when the other two entered.

"Mr. Kortajarena will be Joining us in the afternoon, i think he's onto us." Namjoon said showing the email he received an hour ago from the said male, informing about his sudden visit.


"Calm down! if we react this way he will suspect us. we need to show him that him coming here does not affect us at all."

" Hoseok is right. we have all our traces covered, the story is well laid out with no loop holes so let them come."

"what ever i dont have time for this. I promised to take Jimin out today, handle him if he comes. im not cancelling my plans for that bastard." Jeongguk finalized as he stormed out his office, making his way back towards his room.

Last night he had it all planned out to spend the whole day with Jimin in order to compensate his behavior and show Jimin he really does care for him. He's going to take him out for shopping, get him what ever he lands his eyes on and then take him out for dinner, ending it with ice cream. And there's no way he's allowing someone to get in between him and his little dewy eyed boy.


Jimins small figure was sprawled out on Jeongguks bed as soft snores escaped through his plump lips. The edge of his shirt was lifted up a bit, exposing his soft stomach while his right arm was circled around Jeongguks pillow. As much as Jeongguk wished to admire the Sight before him all day long, he knew he had to wake Jimin up and get him ready for the day.

With hesitant steps, Jeongguk pushed Jimins soft locks away from his forehead, making the younger turn in his sleep.

"Get up Min" Jeongguk softly whispered, or tried to. His voice was too deep to come off as a softer one. His warm hands were still caressing Jimins soft chubby baby like cheeks making the younger swat his hand away.

"Slwe-ep" Jimin mumbbled as he tries to drift back to sleep but Jeongguk wasn't giving up. He pulled off the warm blanket, allowing the chilly air to enter.

Jimin tried to find his blanket, patting his arms aimlessly around in hopes to grab the soft sheet but Jeongguk was being more stubborn.

After a few more seconds of struggling Jimin finally gave up as he lifted himself into a sitting position, rubbing his eyes with a cute pout over his lips.

"Mwean-ny" Jimin glared as he yawned, stretching his arms.

"Min wants to go out and have fun with Gguk today?" Jeongguk smiled putting the blanket back.

"Ywes! Ywes!" Jimin excitedly nodded his head, all traces of sleep gone from his face.

"Well then why don't you get dressed and come down" Jeongguk replied, giving the younger a small smile, handing him over a baby blue sweater along with denim blue jeans to match before leaving his room.


It wasn't long before rushed steps could be heard running towards the dining area. Namjoon and Yoongi were already half way done with their breakfast while Jeongguk was patiently sipping on his coffee, welcoming the burnt aroma of the coffee invading his senses.

"mwilk hyung!" Jimin excitedly blurted out the moment he saw Jin and went to give his Hyung a warm hug.

"someone looks overly excited today" Jin remarked returning Jimins hug, he can never reject warm hugs especially when two adorable eyes are looking up to him.

"ywes! min and Gukk go outside" Jimin replied back as he made himself comfortable.

Jimin grabbed his brown bear mug, filled with chocolate flavored milk and stated to chug it down in one go. He was too excited to finally go out, that too with none other than Jeongguk himself, to care about getting chocked. Soon the mug was empty however Jimin didn't dare touch the fruits cut out for him. He was still a bit hesitant to approach his bowl of fruits because of what happened.

Jeongguk was quick eough to realize what the younger was thinking and without delaying it any further he grabbed a small square piece of mango from the bowl, using his fingers instead of a fork, and pushed it towards Jimins surprised face.

"go on, eat" Jeongguk said, giving Jimin an encouraging nod.

Jeongguks action and smile was enough to ensure him its okay and with a pleased expression Jimin opened his mouth, allowing Jeongguk to drop the fruitful sweet bite. Jimin then pulled the bowl towards himself and started to dig in.

The rest were indeed surprised to see such change in Jeongguks behavior, considering what happened in the past but were not surprised. Just like them, Jeongguk has also gotten drugged by the Jimin effect .

"can Min go on sunday too?" Jimin asked hopefully staring at Jeongguk, who halted his action.

"Hmm... What date is it?" Jeongguk asked Hoseok as he sipped his drink.

"um... its 25 march" Hoseok replied, not daring to look up.

The atmosphere changed in a matter of seconds.

The uncomfortable silence fogged around them.

Jimin wasn't sure what happened, or what he did wrong but he knew something wasn't right.

"oh... it's that day" Jeongguk mumbled, lost in his own thoughts as images from the past started to flash in front of his eyes. The whole scene playing like a broken record all over again, reminding him of what happened. He quickly got up and without bothering to answer Jimin properly, he marched out the room, leaving a confused Jimin behind.

" Min siad wrong" Jimin asked Jin worried. he thought he had offended Jeongguk somehow because how the said male had rushed out. the rest felt bad for Jimin. It wasn't his fault.

"no... its not you sweety"

Authors note

Hi guys I'm back! only for a week but that's all I got because my second semester starts on 1 Jan 😶

I'll try to update as much as I can over this week.

Things are about to get a bit spicy so look forward to it.

What do you think is so important about 25 March?

And no Jimin isn't dumb. He understands accurately what the rest are saying, he just has trouble pronouncing words since it's been a while( years!) Since he talked to anyone.

♣️Within the Forest♣️(Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now