Chapter 24

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"A Night Prowler?" He rolled his slate orbs, chuckling before locking eyes with the man who perpetrated attempts to reveal his alter identity. "I think you're mistaken." His eyes grew sharp, his demeanor conjointly, like a snarling wolf countering to a combatant.

"I am not mistaken." Mocking his rival's mannerisms, he scoffed before he challenged, "You lead the Night Prowlers, you're Swipe."

"That's insane!" He stood while shouting, his counterpart rose to his feet to tower above the male.

"Is it?"

"Very much so."

"Does Issac know where you were a few minutes ago?"

"You wouldn't."

"I wouldn't?"

"No." Their conversation led them to step towards one another until they were at a stalemate. Inches from one another yet their tension radiated through the apartment. "Because Issac would never believe you."

Hirohito smirked upon hearing silence, he stared at the much taller man, relishing the moment of uncertainty from his bickering opponent.

"I unmasked Swipe," his hickory eyes transferring to the other male who remained reticent while staring at a random spot on the floor, sitting in a practiced upright position. "It was Hirohito."

"You," his mouth in a thin line, he took a break from glaring at Casey to look at his quiescent companion. "You don't believe him, do you? It's crazy! Crazy, idiotic! You don't- you can't believe him!" His mirage of innocence was fading, he was unraveling, he was crumbling. His facade of arrogance, confidence, cockiness disappeared in mere seconds. He was slowly losing a battle that he foresaw for a long time.

It was silent, both of the quarreling males awaited his prudence.

"I really hoped it wasn't true."

The two squabbling males were now the silent ones, eager to hear the once restrained male's following utterances.

"When Adrien gave me this," pulling out a crumpled folder from behind the pillow situated to his side, "I really hoped that everything was a lie."

The males jumped when their placid friend slammed the folder with a resentful velocity that its contents flew from its crumbled protective casing.

"But it wasn't."

Hirohio opened his mouth to speak, but only silence followed, he reached towards Issac, but his breath lodged in his throat as he tried to approach the one he constantly yearned for the attention of.

"You must have known what you've done for awhile."

Shaking his head, Hirohito was not yet able to form words.

"You." Issac huffed, his emotions waging war within his skull. Anger, sadness, guilt, how naive he must have been. "Broke. Me." Thrusting his hand to seize Hirohito's neck, he hoisted him into the air with a deadly grip encompassing his throat. 

Hastily forcing the vehement away from the man he was evident to execute, the hockey stick welding warrior occupied between them.

"Not here, Issac, not now." He placed a hand on the enraged's chest as a reassurance that he couldn't act impulsively. Sparing a glance at the discomposed, cowering male on the other side of the battle field, "Leave, Hiro. I won't stop him again." Turning back to his infuriated friend, he didn't dare to speak until he heard the exiting of the corrupted.

"Why did you stop me?" He slapped away the hand on his chest, and glared at his friend before him.

"Because you would have regretted it." Casey remained calm, not wanting to enrage the beast any more.

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