Chapter: 1

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*These songs have no meaning to the plot of the chapter, if they do then I'll say so in the beginning.*

I'm Kayleegh Webber. If you had told me two years ago that I would be where I am now, I would have laughed my ass off.

This.... this is my story.

I didn't exactly have the best life, but I didn't have the worst either. I was fed, clothed, I'd get gifts on my birthday and Christmas, but I was most definitely NOT a favorite like my brothers. Those boys had my parents wrapped around their finger. That's why it was so easy to get away with things. I didn't do anything terrible, I got good grades, I never got detention. All I did was create a YouTube account (my parents didn't want me to) that was basically me just singing covers while Jake or Reggie played the piano.

Maybe if I had kept my sexuality hidden. My parents didn't like the fact that I liked girls as well as guys. If I had just kept my mouth shut... but what's out is out. And there's no going back. Or maybe if Reggie and I had gotten along. I mean they always loved him, but we always fought.

"Gah! What did you put in there?" Jake put the final box in the truck.

"Just clothes." I shrugged.

"Just clothes? Kay that's like five million pounds!" He exaggerated.

"Oh please." I rolled my eyes. Today was the day I was moving to Los Angeles.

"Hey... keep us informed. I can't loose you Kay." Reggie came up to me and hugged me.

"Reggie stop being a baby. You know nothings gonna happen to me."

"You don't know that. Just promise me that you'll text us every morning night and afternoon."

"Promise." I smiled at him.

I got in the truck after saying good bye and then I drove off.

___time skip because I'm a lazy ass bitch.___

It only took me two and a half days but I finally got to my new apartment. I hadn't thought about it before but I was on my own to unload all my crap into the apartment. Back in Kansas I at least had Jake and Reggie to help. Well... I'm screwed.

I attempted to get the top box out of the truck but I was just too short. I tried jumping and it didn't work, there was nothing to really climb on and if I pulled from the bottom everything would fall down on top of me.

I groaned in frustration.

"Having trouble there?" I heard a voice behind me. When I turned around I saw a young looking boy with light-ish brown hair and deep brown eyes.

"Yeah. Actually, I am." I laughed.

"Here, let me help." He grabbed the box from the top. "What number?"

"106" I answered.

"So you're on the ground? That will make it a lot easier on me." He chuckled. "Griffin"


"My name, it's Griffin." He said.

"Oh, I'm Kayleegh." I responded.

"That's a nice name. But do you mind if I call you Kay?" We started walking to the apartment.

"Yeah, no everyone pretty much calls me that."

He finished helping me move all the boxes from the truck to the apartment. We had a few good laughs and talked about our pasts before moving here. It got pretty late so he decided to leave.

"You know I feel bad for leaving you while you don't even have a blow up to sleep on." He said before leaving.

"I'm sure I'll find something." I brushed it off.

"Ya know... I live right upstairs. You could come sleep on the couch?" He suggested.

"Thanks but no thanks. I can just pull a couple blankets and sleep on the floor."

"Okay, come on. I know you're not that animalistic." That made me laugh. "Come on Kay, I insist."

I sighed "okay." I finally gave in.

So that night I slept on Griffins couch and the next morning I found a pice of paper in my jacket pocket.

(***)-***-**** text me. Maybe we could hang out and get coffee some time.

Duality///C.B///Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora