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*2 months later*

(Colby's POV)

Haven't seen Kay in about a week so I decided to go over to her place. I texted her and told her first, of course but when I did that I was pretty much already on her floor.

I knocked on the door and she had her long beautiful blue hair tossed into a messy bun, and she still had her pajamas on.

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When she saw me her eyes went big and she slammed the door on my face

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When she saw me her eyes went big and she slammed the door on my face.


"Go! Away!" I heard her yell.

"Kay what's wrong?" I twisted the door knob. It wasn't locked so I walked in.

"Colby I'm busy!" She called from her bed room. I walked in and saw her throwing away tissues with dried blood on them.

"Kay.... what is that?" I asked pointing at one of the tissues she forgot.

"Nothing!" She immediately picked it up and threw it away.

"That wasn't there a week ago. Kay I thought you said you were better." I tried not to cry.

"I am! Colby, just leave." She yelled.

"Kay... I just want to make sure you're okay."

"I am! Go!" She never looked at me.

"Kay, obviously not! I know for a fact that those tissues were not there last week! Tell me what's going on? Is it Aryia? Or Mike? What about Thomas? Is it me? Is it the play? What?" I raised my voice.

"COLBY! Stop! It's not anything! Just go back home! Leave me alone!" She never turned her back.

"Kay! I'm not leaving until you tell me!"

"Well I'm not telling you!"

"I care about you! That's why-."


"Are you implying we shouldn't be friends?"

"MAYBE! MAYBE I AM! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT!" Her words hit me but I walked out. I'm not sure why she was saying this, but I walked out.

*kayleegh's pov*

I yelled at him, told him to leave. I broke promises, I lied, I didn't deserve to be here.

When Colby walked out I fell to my knees crying. It hurt to watch him storm off like that. I told him never to talk to me again and I had a strong feeling he was about to obey my wishes. But they weren't mine.

"You did great babe." Aryia came out of the closet.

"Now, all you have left is Sam, Frank, Griffin and Thomas. I'll let you wait till the play is over to drop Thomas but I don't want them talking to you ever again." He came over and gave me a hug. I felt weak, used, but I didn't leave him. "I know it's hard baby but it's all for the better."

I let him go... I hurt him... I was supposed to be there for him... especially after his breakup with Shae a month ago. And I made it harder on him.

Aryia lifted my shorts to reveal cuts. He just got up and walked away.

"I want the rest of them dropped by the end of the week Kay! And I mean it!" He called then I heard the door open and close.

I had no idea how I was gonna do that. I didn't even want to. These were my best friends and... and now I can't even look at them. Figuring out a way to drop Frank might be easier than the others because we didn't hang out too much. All I had to tell him was that I didn't want to do anything with him anymore. But that was still gonna be emotionally hard for me.

*Colby's POV*
I got back to my apartment and slammed the door, and immediately went to my room. I can't believe she would actually do that!

"What happened?" Sam walked in.

"Nothing!" I didn't really understand any of it. All I wanted to do was help her. I didn't want to lose her. She made me feel like a kid again and other things I couldn't explain.

I noticed changes in her throughout the months. She stoped wearing her dark clothes (which I found really cute on her) and she wore slutty clothes in their place, she wore a lot more makeup, she didn't talk much around Aryia and she never listened to her quote unquote "emo" music. She seemed uptight a lot of the times. I never thought that it was because of something I did. Was it?

"Um... Colby?" Sam walked back into my room.

"What?" I groaned.

"What happened at Kay's place?" He sat at the foot of my bed.

"Nothing." I tried not to think about it.

"Well... she just texted me. She told me that we shouldn't be friends and that I should never talk to her again." He showed me his phone. That was exactly what it said. Pretty straightforward.

"I don't know what has gotten in her head." I rolled my eyes.

"I'll text Griffin and see what's up." And with that he walked off.

*Kayleegh's POV*
There was another knock on my door. I hadn't gotten up or stoped crying.

I wiped my eyes and pushed up my glasses, then went to answer the door.

I saw Griffin standing there with a semi angered face.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked.

"Shut up, go away." I tried to close the door but he caught it.

"Kay this isn't you! This isn't the sweet girl from Kansas that I knew. What happened to her?"

"She's dead! She's dead Griffin! She dies a while back. So go back to you're stupid apartment, and get over it! And while you're at it! Delete my number, unfollow me on every social media, and never talk to me again." I had no idea where that came from. This wasn't me. This couldn't be me... then who was it?

"I can't believe you. I don't know what has gotten into you, but I don't like it. And you need to fix it." With that he walked out.

Everyone but Thomas is gone.

A: That's good baby. But I want him gone as soon as this play is over. Understand?


A: that's my girl. 🧡

I couldn't believe what I had done. I was a terrible person.

On my way back to my room I passed the bathroom. On the counter was my razors. I could have sworn I put that box away.

What ever! I deserved it. All of it. I went in and did what was right.

(An: I know Aryia would never act like this. It's just for the story. I love Aryia. He's a good person. I just needed someone for the story.)

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