Chapter: 6

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(A/N: we're gonna pretend Mike and Xepher were never a thing and it was always her and Griffin)

When I arrived at the party things started off normal. Griffin introduced me to some of his friends, Mike, Kevin, Aryia, Xepher, Devyn, who was here with her boyfriend Corey, and Kat who was here with Sam. There was other people but I didn't bother talking to them because they were just friends of friends.

Mike and I really got along great. Apartment my He was a singer and had a few song out already.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get another drink, want me to grab you one?" He asked over the music.

"Yeah, sure." I knew I shouldn't have been drinking, especially because this was my first time and my alcohol tolerance was lower than low but my mind said fuck it.

After one glass I was feeling wobbly and I should have stoped but I didn't. I kept going and going. I can't remember much of anything else that happened but next thing I knew I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine, my clothes on the ground and next to me was a random guy. I was too scared to turn and see who it was.

I eventually plucked up the courage and turned my head. Next to me I saw Mike asleep.

'Damn It. Not only can I not remember my first fucking time, but it was with a guy I barely knew. Fucking idiot Kay!' I said to myself.

Mike began to stir and eventually opened his eyes.

"Kay? What happened? Wait.... why do I have nothing on?" His eyes went wide as he realized what had happened. "Okay... look... I'm so sorry. You're a great girl and all but I really didn't mea-."

"No I understand. I just don't want this to be awkward between us." I cut him off.

"Good thing it doesn't have to be. Here close your eyes, I'll throw something on and I'll let you get changed."

I did as he said and then I heard the door close I assumed that meant he had walked out. I tossed my clothes back on and went outside. The party was at Mikes house so my car was already there. I said goodbye to Mike and got in my car driving home, ignoring how badly my head hurt.

When I got back to my place I immediately flipped down on my bed and fell asleep.

A while later a knock at my door woke me up. I got up and opened the door to reveal a worried Colby.

"Oh my gosh! You're okay!" He yelled.

"Shhhshshsshs!!" I held my pounding head.

"Kay you scared me!" He walked in closing the door.

"What?" I understood nothing of what he was saying.

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