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*that Saturday*

Throughout the week Aryia has been taking me out on dates and on Thursday he asked me to be his girlfriend.

*an: that party was on the Saturday of last weekend.*

I was driving to the audition with my monologue in hand rerunning over it just to be sure. I was trying out for Connor's sister Zoe and I was so excited. Even if I didn't get the part, I was gonna be happy I tried out.

When I got there I had walked in and saw a guy sitting on a chair. He had light brown hair ,dark brown eyes, looked the exact opposite of me, calm and collected. I was nervous and excited. I sat down beside him.

"You nervous?" He asked.

"Yeah. I've only really auditioned for school plays. Nothing really big."

"Well I'm sure you'll do just fine. Who you trying out for?" He smiled.

"Zoe. Zoe Murphy."

"Cool, I'm going for Evan. I feel like I can really relate to him. You know?"

"Yeah. I'm a bit like Evan myself. Just not a guy." We both laughed.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Kayleegh. But I go by Kay." I answered.

"I'm Thomas."

We sat there for a bout an hour and talked until it was Thomas' turn to go and audition.

"All right. Here we go." He got up.

"Thomas!" I called to him.


"You'll do amazing!"

"Thanks Kay." Then he went in. I didn't see him for another ten minutes and then it was my turn.

"Oh deer." I got up and wiped my sweaty palms on my pants.

"Hey, you've got this. If you want, I'll wait out here for you?" Thomas put his hands on my shoulders to calm me down.

"Could you? I mean I know we just met and all and we don't really know each other but you just seem so kind and helpful-."

"Kay." He cut me off. "First thing. Try not to ramble like that in there. And second, of course I'll wait for you. Then maybe we can go and get some fro-yo and get to know each other."

"Thanks." And with that I walked in.

"Hi, I'm Kayleegh Webber, I'm going to be auditioning for Zoe Murphy." I introduce myself.

"Right, and why do you want to have a part in this production?" The director asked.

"Well, I was always a shy little girl, until I was introduced to theater. I immediately fell in love and ever since I've been pushing myself to go out there and perform. Even if it meant my anxiety picks up."

"Okay. Now perform your monologue." He said in complete monotone making me a bit nervousness.

"I'd like to say something! Doesn't matter that Harry's gone! People die everyday—! Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with here! So is Fred, Remus, Tonks...all of them! They didn't die in vain! But you will! Cause you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us! It's not over!" I said with complete passion, and emotion. I even shocked myself.

"Okay. Thank you. Could you sing this for us?" He handed me a paper with Zoe's part of Requiem on it. I knew the song so well I didn't need to look at the paper.

"Why should I play this game of pretend?
Remembering through a secondhand sorrow?
Such a great son and wonderful friend
Oh, don't the tears just pour
I could curl up and hide in my room
There in my bed, still sobbing tomorrow
I could give in to all of the gloom
But tell me, tell me what for
Why should I have a heavy heart?
Why should I start to break in pieces?
Why should I go and fall apart for you?
Why should I play the grieving girl and lie
Saying that I miss you
And that my world has gone dark without your light?
I will sing no requiem tonight" I sang with emotion, this song made me feel. This entire musical did.

"Thank you. You can tell the next person to come in." He said in a monotone again. That seemed to be all he could speak in.

I walked out and let the next person go and audition.

"So how'd it go?" Thomas asked.

"I'm not sure. I really hope I did well." I started biting my nails.

"Hey, stop that. You're gonna ruin them. I bet you did great."

"You're just saying that to be nice." I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe. Maybe I was listening in on you."

"What?" I asked with shock.

"Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us! It's not over!" He mimicked my monologue.

"You were listening!"

"Shhh.. come on. Let's go grab some fro-yo." He grabbed my wrist and dragged me to our cars.

We got to the frozen yogurt place and after we got our yogurt we talk and got to know each other.

"So where you from?"


"Oh, so we've got a little country girl on our hands huh?"

"No. That's stereotypical." I rolled my eyes. He just gave me a look. "Okay! Yes I listen to country. But my brother absolutely hates it." I admitted.

"Ha. I got you."

"So, you look oddly familiar. Where have I seen you before?" I asked.

"I was kinda popular on vine." He shrugged.

"Yeah. Maybe."

We talked until we finished our yogurt then we exchanged numbers and went back to our houses.

Overall I think today was a good day.

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