Chapter: 7

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"Last night you called and started saying some really deep and dark shit. I called Jake and asked him what it might have meant and he told me to make sure you were still alive! What happened?"

Shit. Jake was the only person besides my parents who knew about my depression. He was also the only person who knew about my suicidal thoughts.  I guess last night after being hella drunk I decided to call Colby and get all these thoughts out.

"Kay?!" He yelled snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Colby, look I'm not dead I'm fine." I said trying to get him off the subject and make sure he didn't ask-

"Why did Jake want me to make sure you weren't dead?" Damn it.

"Colby I'm over it now." I lied. "What Jake was talking about I'm over, I'm better,, I'm different."

"But Kay... He obviously didn't think so. And from what I heard last night... I honestly don't think so. Please tell me what happened. All of it."

"Okay come sit down." I pointed to the couch and we both sat down. "Okay when I was younger I had tried to kill myself several times. None of which worked. But I'm better now." I left it at that. Didn't bother to mention y anxiety, or my ADHD, or my sexuality... wait... maybe I should... maybe everyone should know...

Mental note: make a video coming out. It's about time.

"Are you sure?" He looked at me with puppy dog eyes, mix that with his bright crystal blue eyes and his brown hair his light features.... oh dear.

"Yes, I'm positive." I kept lying. He gave me a saddened smile and then pulled me into a hug. My heart fluttered.

'No! No no no no no, I barely know the guy. And he's my brothers best friend. No. I can't nope. Nadda! No!

"Kay," He pulled away from the hug.


"Just promise me that if you ever start feeling like this again, you'll find something different. You won't hurt yourself. Please." He looked hurt, and upset.

"I can't make promises I might not be able to keep Colby." I looked away. He put his hand on the side of my head and turned it so I was looking at him.

"Promise me you'll try to." He looked as if he was about to cry.

"I can try." I nodded my head.

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