Chapter 20

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He wrapped his arms around me and pushed me back onto the bed in a hug.

"You are such an amazing friend!" My heart dropped when he said this. I played it off as if I wasn't completely heart broken.

"You're a great friend as well Colby." I smiled. He looked at me with confusion in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, why would anything be wrong?" He sighed

"Kay I know when something is up, please just tell me." He got off me.

"Colby trust me nothing is wrong. Lets just go back downstairs, I need something to drink." I shook my head.

"Or I could bring up a bottle and some cups and we can talk about what ever is bothering you?"

"Okay I like the first idea, but not the second one. Lets just talk about things, random ass things, you know like we used to?"

"Used to? Are you saying we don't anymore?" He laughed

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Go get the drinks." He got up and walked out of the room.
I sat there all alone with my thoughts.

He doesn't like you back.
Why would he Kay?
Your... you're a looser and he's a big YouTuber.
He could have any girl.
Including you but he won't choose you

My mind didn't stop racing through all these negative thoughts. Then Colby walked back in.

"Whats up?"

"I like you!" I blurted out. After i said it i realized I made a mistake and I never should have said anything.

"Oh..." His face dropped. "Kaylee... Im... I.... I have a girlfriend..." My heart dropped further than the lowest possible point on earth.

"Oh what... what is her name?" I asked, trying my hardest to hold back tears.


"An angel." He pulled out his phone. "Just look at her!"

 "Just look at her!"

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"Oh... she's... she's gorgeous....." I continued to hold back tears. Not only from heartbreak but also of embarrassment. 

"Im really sorry Kay. I thought I told everyone."

"No, no, no. It's cool. I mean I can't tell you that you can't date someone. That's not my position. Im... Im just gonna go home. Goodnight Colby Brock." and with that I walked out without letting him say anything. I just walked out and got into my car then drove home.

When I got home, i didn't stay and cry in my car, I didn't go and cry in my bed. But instead i went and cried into a bottle of whiskey.Yeah, so what I'm underage. You fucking think that ever stopped me before? NO! So why would it stop me now.

He had a beautiful girl who made him happy. He always went after pretty girls. The thing was... that he seemed to really go for girls with coloured hair. I laughed at the thought he would like me just because of my coloured hair.


I was in a conflict. I recently got into a relationship with Maddie and she is truly a beautiful girl. But yet there was one girl I had been longing for for a while now and when I get into a relationship with Maddie and she's all like, "Colby I like you." Like damn Kaylee bad timing much. I wasn't sure what to do but all I know was for the rest of the night I went flipping through photos of her and her beautiful face.

Why did she have to do that to me? I wanted to badly to be with Kaylee but.... now I was with Maddie. And I really liked Maddie. Crap!

I lied in my bed just thinking. Nothing more. Until Sam came in.

"Hey dude? You good?" He pokes his head in.

"I'm fine" I sighed.

"Not very convincing. What's up?"

"Nothing really, I'm just tired."

"Oh, okay. Well, just uh, have a good night." And then he closed the door.

(A/N: Hey, sorry it took so long to update, I had to delete Wattpad, then I had terrible writers block, then I just kinda got into a place that I didn't want to do anything. And then corona happened. And school was just piled up because we're at home we should have all the time to do school work so the teachers just piled everything onto us.And then the shit with Corey happened and... well... don't want to get into that. But I'm back and I have the next chapter in the writing right now.  Since it's now summer for me I have all the time in the world to write so the updates still will be scattered but I'm gonna try my hardest. I know how that must've felt I mean I haven't updated since October... Love you all. Bye)

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