Chapter: 5

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I woke up in the morning from 15 missed texts and 8 missed calls from Jake. Most of the texts were stuff like "please call me back I can explain" and shit. I decided to call him and give him a chance to explain himself.

"Hello?" He picked up.

"You have five minutes, go."

"Okay, it started your junior year. Remember? Reggie told me what happened on the beach that night. I couldn't let that happen ever again, with anyone. So I told all my friends you had died, I had them over when you weren't there or I went to their house. Kay it was all to make sure that what happened that night never happened again. I'm so sorry." He explained.

"He told you? I thought you didn't know..."

"Yes he did Kay, and every  person you liked after that I never trusted any of them. Including the girls. Because they could just as easily do the same thing. Kay, you're so skinny, so fragile, it's easy to manipulate you. I was not gonna ever let anyone manipulate my baby sister like that."

"Jake... I... that's kind... but I can take care of myself."

"Obviously not!"

"Jake, I was intoxicated! That doesn't count!" I yelled into the phone.

"Kay, intoxicated or not, I'm going to protect my little sister no matter what. I love you Kay. Nothing can change that." He spoke calmly to me.

"I love you too Jake."

"So how's LA?" He tried to make small talk.

"It's okay I guess. I made a couple friends and I'm all set up. I just need to edit and post the video I did with Sam and Colby. How's Reggie?"

"He's okay. We miss you."

"I miss you too. You know LA is great but Kansas has family." I smiled but I knew he couldn't see.

"You're smiling, aren't you?" He asked.

"How did you know?" I asked shocked.

"I can hear it. There's a certain way and time you speak in when you're smiling." He chuckled.

"Shut up. Hey so, Griffin is gonna show me around town today and then Colby's taking me to lunch with some friends. Imma have to let you go and get ready. But I'm really glad I could get to talk to you and hear your voice again. I really miss you Jake."

"Okay. I miss you too. Love you Kay. Stay safe."

"No promises love you too. Bye."

"Bye." And with that he hung up.

I got out of bed and walked over to the kitchen to grab something to eat, when I heard a knock on my door. I walked over and opened it seeing Griffin standing in front of me dressed and ready.

"You're early." I stated allowing him to come in.

"No you're late." He laughed. I looked at the time and he was right. Shit.

"Damn it, um could you make me some breakfast and coffee, I'm gonna go get changed and I'll be right out." He nodded. "Thank you!" I ran to my room and went through my closet finding a nice green dress and a leather jacket.

With much struggle and aggravation I was finally able to put my hair back into a fishtail braid, but only part of it so I did a quick curl to the rest

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With much struggle and aggravation I was finally able to put my hair back into a fishtail braid, but only part of it so I did a quick curl to the rest.

With much struggle and aggravation I was finally able to put my hair back into a fishtail braid, but only part of it so I did a quick curl to the rest

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When I walked out of my room Griffin had made me a breakfast sandwich and a cup of coffee.

"Took you long enough." He complained.

"Sorry. I got carried away talking to my brother."

"It's fine . Just try to watch the time next time. Now let's get going."

The time I had with Griffin was great.He took me down Hollywood Boulevard and sadly by the time we had gotten done with that it was about noon so Griffin took me home so that I would be able to meet Colby for lunch.

I decided to polish up my makeup a bit and then watch some YouTube for a while while I waited for Colby to pick me up.

I looked at this, CrankThatFrank that Griffin told me about and oh my gosh I don't think I've ever laughed that hard in my life. I was about to click on another video when a knock at my door told me it was time to go.

When I opened the door I saw Colby standing there with a camera in his hands.

"Oh, so we're vloging this?" I asked.

"Well yeah. I've got to get your reaction to some of the best food on the planet! You look nice by the way."


When we got to his car he opened the door for me. "What a gentleman." I joked.

"I know I am." He smiled and winked at me.

"So where are we going?" I asked as he got in the car.

"The best place on earth." Was all he said.

"Seriously? Why can't you just tell me?" I sighed frustrated.

"Because. I like seeing you frustrated."

Once we arrived he told me to close my eyes so I couldn't see where we were.

"This is too much." I rolled my eyes and closed them.

"Okay c'mon." He helped me out of the car and led me into the restaurant. "Kay. Open you're eyes."

When I opened them I saw a sign that read. 'Tender Greens'. "What? I don't understand?" I was confused as to why he kept this a surprise.

"Right.. you just recently moved here. Okay. This is probably the best restaurant in LA. You see the guy with brown hair over there? He's sitting next to the kid in the booster seat?" He said trying not to laugh at what he said.

"... yeah?"

"Okay go sit with them. I'll order you something."

I walked over and sat down.

"Hey, I'm Brennen this is Nik." The taller guy introduced himself and his friend.

"I'm Kayleegh." I smiled.

"You're really pretty. You know that?" Brennen told me.

"Oh... thanks..." I blushed. I never really got a lot of comments about my appearance. Maybe a few on my singing but being called pretty was something new for me.

Colby came back with our food and broke the awkward silence.

"So what do you think?" He asked as I was halfway through.

"Hmm... its good. I mean I'm not head over heels in love. But I can definitely live with it."

The rest of the time we talked about where I was from, what they did on their YouTube channels, Colby and Brennen make short jokes possum off Nik, and it was pretty great.

When I got back home Griffin decided to text me and tell me about this party him and his friends were having. He asked if I wanted to go and I agreed. Being still 18 and underage, I shouldn't have gone. But being able the dumb ass teenager I was, I went. And things got out of hand.

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