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I woke up to someone pounding on my door. I looked at the clock and read 6:35, Who in the world is up at this ungodly hour?

I got out of bed and walked to the door. Before I could look out the peep hole there were three more bangs.

"Come one Kayleegh! I know you're in there! Open this door before I break it in!" I heard a familiar voice. My heart almost stoped.

I looked through the hole and sure enough Aryia was standing there.

I ran to get my phone and call Colby.

"Hello?" He answered with a sleepy voice.

"Colby help." I whispered trying to get Aryia to think I actually wasn't there and maybe he would leave.

"Kay? What's going on?"

"It's Aryia... he's right outside my door. I'm scared Colby. Please help." I tried not to cry from fear.

"Alright Kay, stay there! Imma beat his sorry ass." He hung up.

"Kayleegh! Open this fucking door!" He screamed. I couldn't respond. Then he'd know I was here and he's kill me.

"Open the door you stupid bitch!"

"Hey!" I heard another voice. "You can leave."

"But I'm not gonna Colby."

"What are you even doing here?" Colby asked.

"That's none of your business, but I'm claiming what's mine."

"Listen dickhead. She isn't yours. You need to leave her alone. You called it off over a fucking month ago! Now leave before I call the cops."

"Look why don't you back to your little boyfriend and fuck each other senseless and stay out of my business with this whore."

"Leave! Because this is not just your business anymore! I'm in it now! So you can leave or regret it!" I heard Colby yell. Honestly that scared me more than Aryia himself.

"Oh! You think you're some tough savior? Well newsflash! Your not princey! And I'm not leaving!"

"Kay! Baby, call the cops!" Colby yelled. I went to get my phone but then realization hit me. Did Colby Brock just call me... "baby"?

I shook the thought and got my phone to call the cops.

"Hello LAPD, what's the problem?"

"Hi... um... my ex boyfriend is outside my apartment and he won't leave, my friend is out there right now trying to talk him into leaving but he just won't... he won't leave. I'm afraid he's gonna... I'm scared he's gonna hurt me.... or maybe even kill my friend... please I just need someone to get rid of him." I begged.

"Alright ma'am we'll send someone your way. Just stay on the line." As soon as she said that I heard a loud bang. I screamed.

"Kayleegh! Get away from walls! He's got a gun!" I heard Colby yell.

"Colby!!!" I screamed. I couldn't let him shoot Colby. But I didn't know what to do.

"Ma'am?" I heard the lady ask.

"He has a gun and my friend is out there with him. I have no idea if he was shot or not." I tried not to cry but I was already hyperventilating.

"Okay, were gonna need you to stay calm. Don't go out side."

"But Colby!" I screamed.

"Ma'am Colby will be just fine. I need you to tell me the address and just breath." I gave her the address but I couldn't calm down.

My anxiety kicked in.

What if Aryia shot him?
What if he's dead
I haven't heard him talk
Oh please Colby
I can't lose you
Don't die on me
Why this is all my fault
What am I gonna tell Sam
I'm such an idiot
Colby's dead and it's my fault.

These were thoughts running through my head.

My vision started to get blurry, the room started to spin, my head pounded, I couldn't breath. I knew what this was... a panic attack.

Just then I heard someone knocking on the door.

"Kay, open up. It's Sam." Then I heard the sirens but I couldn't move.

"Kay! Please. Kayleegh!" Then I heard a click and the door opened. "Kayleegh!" Sam ran over to me. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

My first thoughts were 'bitch do I look okay?' But I didn't say anything.

The sirens got louder and louder until they stoped. I heard people running up the stairs and in 30 minutes they were coming back down with Aryia yelling.

Today was so not my day.

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