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As we bowed for the ending of the final day of this production I knew this was gonna be the hardest thing ever. I was gonna have to say goodbye to my last friend.

"Hey, wanna go get fro-yo?" He asked as we walked off stage.

"Thomas... about that.... I don't think...."

"Think what?" His smile faded.

"I don't think we should be friends." I didn't look at him, I couldn't.

"Really? So I was just a prop? You needed someone for the play? Is that all?"

"Thomas that's not what I'm saying."

"Then what are you saying Kay?"

"I'm saying people aren't what they look like." What did that even mean.....

"Yeah, apparently." He rolled his eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means when I met you, you looked like a girl who could make decisions for herself!"

"This is my decision!" I yelled.

"No this isn't you!" He argued back,

"How do you know what's me!?" I screamed.

"When you spend everyday with a person for three months you'd think you'd know them!"

"Well people can be decisive!"

"You know what Kay? Fine! Don't be my friend! I don't care! Go run to your little boyfriend! Wear those clothes! But when my Kay comes back I'll be waiting!" And with that he walked off.

I took off my stage makeup but left my hair the way it was.

I took off my stage makeup but left my hair the way it was

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I got out of my costume and into the clothes I came in.

Maybe Thomas was right

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Maybe Thomas was right.... maybe this wasn't me.... but was me? It wasn't this outfit... it made me feel like a slut. But Aryia liked it.

I grabbed my purse and walked out to my car and drove home.

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