Final Authors Note

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Hey guys!

It's been a while since i've looked at this story and rereading it really made me realize how much I missed the characters.

I've deceived that i'm going to try to edit the grammar and flow of this story a little but all the main details will stay the same I promise.

Also, if you guys would like, I think I want to write a sequel for this story and I have a couple ideas:

1. A story about Tyler and his new mate

2. A story about Flynn and his new mate

3. A story following Rumor as she lives as an angel while once being part demon


4. A story following the lives of Rumor's old friends Kevin, Carter, and Lilith?

I'd be fine writing about any of these but I thought I should leave this up
to you guys since y'all have been the ones who've supported me. I love you guys so much and I hope you have a great day/night/whatever-time-it-is-for-you and I'll talk to you guys later!

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