Part three

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Rumors p.o.v.

The wind was rushing through my fur as I ran, leaves crunched under my paws. Suddenly there was a monstrous growl, I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around.

I saw a huge grey wolf with peircing green eyes, he shifted back behind a tree as did I. He walked over to me "why did you run baby" I growled at him, I hated him but he was obsessed with the thought of me so he never left me alone.

I slapped him and he growled "I am not your baby and I never will be" I said, he growled again and slapped me but twice as hard as I did.

He looked me right in the eyes "understand that even if you run I will find you" he put a cloth over my mouth and I fell into darkness.

That's when it all started, the abuse and raping. He always would hurt me when I tried to leave, but one day there was an attack on his pack and I ran, I never felt so free and alive. I ran for months dogging him, that was until I met Tyler.

Soon I started running from Tyler and forgot all about 'him', his threats to find me stopped and so did all of his trackers.

I made myself forget, but these memories can't and won't ever stop haunting me. If only I never met...

*end of dream*

Someone was shaking me as I was screaming, I started to calm down when they pulled me to their chest "what happened Rumor" they asked.

I looked and saw most of the pack house at my bedroom door, I also saw Tyler holding me. But I couldn't answer him, my vocal cords tightened as I began to speak "h-he is b-back, he w-will f-find me, and he w-will k-k-kill no matter w-what" all of the pack members growled, they didn't like the thought of their luna in danger.

Tyler looked me in the eyes "who Rumor" he asked, I built up the courage to say his name "Alpha Nathan" Tyler growled.

He mind-linked someone and a guy popped out of the crowd, he put me down and talked to the guy for a second. As he was about to say something to everyone a little girl ran over to me and tackled me into a hug.

She was crying, I hugged her back "what's wrong sweety" I asked in a calming tone which seemed to make everyone else calm as well, she sniffles "I had a bad dream a-and I saw that you were sad" she buried her head into my chest.

A mother walked forward "let me get Lucia" she reached out but I put my hand up "please just show me where her room is" the woman nodded and showed me throu the crowd of pack members, and down a few halls until we reached a lilac door.

We walked in and put Lucia on her bed, as I started to stand up her tiny hand grabbed my wrist "please stay" she asked.

I nodded and cradled her, soon I was singing-

(A/n I'm using a song from when I was little...ah the memories of me walking into walls *sighs*)

"You are my sunshine,

My only sunshine,

You make me happy when sky are grey,

You'll never know dear,

How much I love you,

Please don't take my sunshine away"

I looked down and saw that Lucia fell asleep and that Tyler was at the door, I tucked Lucy (her nickname) into bed and planted a kiss on her forehead.

I walked out but was only stopped by Lucy's mom "thank you Luna, I haven't seen Lucia sleep so peacefully in so long" I nodded and gave her a smile, as soon as I turned around I walked right into Tyler.

"You have a beautiful voice" he said and I blushed "thanks", we walked back to m-our room and got into bed.

As I was falling asleep I heard Tyler say something...something incredibly intresting "I know your probably sleeping but I just wanted to say that I Tyler Anderson l-love you Rumor Wilkenson" and with that I fell asleep.


Authors Note

Sorry I haven't updated a real chapter in so long, it's just that I had a swim meet today and yesturday that started at 6:30 am (so I woke up at 5) and went till around 12, and by then I had chores and shopping to do.

Plus I had school and I just have been busy and I'm just sorry but I will be slowly updating

Have a lovley day/night (or whatever time it is) my little Lycans and Bye

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