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I hear knocking on the door, suddenly. I try to get up but Jonathan puts his hand on my shoulder and I sit back down.

"I will get it," he says.

I look at Martha with a raised eyebrow. I use my enhanced hearing to listen to hear in on what is going on. I turn towards Martha.

"Who do you think that is?"

"We do receive visits from our neighbors. I can't let them see you. They might get suspicious."


"Well, you're not from around here and this is a small town. If people saw a stranger that they have never seen, they might get suspicious.

I hear Jonathan opening the door.

"Hello Officer, how may I help you?"

"We found an alien spacecraft of some kind nearby. We were wondering if you know anything about the passenger?"

"No, we haven't seen anything. We have been home the entire time. You have a nice day, Officer."

I hear Jonathan trying to close the door but the officer holds on the door and keeps it from closing.

"We can either do this the easy way or the hard way, Kent!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You have always been a bad liar, you know that, Kent?!"

I hear punching and falling.

"I told you that I don't know anything!!" Jonathan yells.

"You were always a bad liar, Kent! The passenger of the crashed spacecraft is missing and it's no coincidence that it landed near your farm. Now tell me where it is before I have to do something that I will regret."

I hear something cocking. The same sound that Jonathan made with the weapon in his hand. I get up from the table.

"He is here for me!" I yell.

"Wait, Kal, Don't!"

I step into the doorway.


The officer sees me.

"Who the hell are you?!" He asks.

"Kal, run!"

"Like hell I am! I don't run from danger! I run towards it!"

I walk closer to the officer. He aims his gun at me and clicks it.

"Don't come any closer or I will fire!"

My anger boils up. How can someone hurt an innocent person? Suddenly I feel my eyes heat up. Red energy shoots out of my eyes and hits the officer in the head. He falls down to the ground. I rush to Jonathan and help him get back on his feet.

"You alright?" I ask as I pull him back on his feet.

"Yeah, how did you do that?" Jonathan asks.

"It must be one of the powers that I have as an alien on this world."

"Thank you for saving me."

"It was no problem."

I stare at the dead police officer. Regret hits me.

"I-I didn't mean to-"

Jonathan puts a hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"It was an accident. Sometimes you have to defend yourself."

I hear more police sirens in the distance.

"I should probably be going. You're not safe with me here."

"Where will you go?" Martha asks.

I think for a moment.

"I am not really sure. I might just want to see the rest of the country."

"Be careful about what you see, Kal. It will change you. Also, before you go, please let me get you some stuff to help you on your journey," Martha says.

She runs out of the room. I look over at Jonathan and he smiles.

"I didn't mean to bring trouble to your doorsteps."

"It's alright, son. I am glad to have met you. You remind me so much of my son."

Martha walks back in with a backpack.

"Alright, here's some food and drinks. A map, some clothes, and a smartphone. Now the only thing that you need is a new name."

"What is wrong with my name? I am proud of it."

"Well son, Kal doesn't exactly scream Earth. If you tell someone your alien name then they are instantly going to tell that you are an alien. So do you have any ideas for a new name?"

I think for a moment. I stare at a picture of the Kents' son, Clark.

"How about Clark Kent? I want to honor a fellow soldier."

"He would like that. But you need something to help you travel across the country. Let me take your picture."

Jonathan takes a picture of me and walks out of the room. After a while, he walks back in with a couple of papers.

"I had a friend in the government fax me edited documents with your face on them. These should get you to wherever you need to go."

I take the papers and smile at the couple.

"Thank you for your hospitality and kindness. Clark was lucky to had parents like you two."

"You take care, son."

"I can take of myself, Jonathan. You take care of yourself."

I take the backpack and hug them. Then I walk out of the house and run speed into the distance.

Superman: Soldier [DC Antiverse]Where stories live. Discover now