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I run out of the alleyway at super-speed. Suddenly, something hits me. I am entangled in this net. I struggle to break free but I start feeling weaker and weaker.

"We have finally found you!" A loud voice yells.

I stop struggling and look up to find large vehicles surrounding me with long pipes attached to the top of them. In the sky, there is a vehicle flying with spinning propellers. The men surrounding the vehicles must be soldiers which would explain the uniforms. One of the soldiers walks forward. He seems like a man of authority.

"Who are you?!" I ask in anger.

"I am General Sam Lane of the United States Army. We have been on your trail ever since we found the alien spacecraft that landed in Kansas."

"How did you find me?"

"It wasn't that hard. You leave behind quite a mess. Wasn't long before we were able to track you down to this location."

"Why do I feel so weak?"

"The ropes are laced with radiation energy."

"Why do you want to capture me? I have done nothing wrong!"

"We have dealt with several hostile extraterrestrials in the past and we just want to make sure that you aren't another one!"

"Well, you have me, so what now? Are you going to dissect me?"

"We're taking you back to our base. Men escort this alien to my chopper!"

Five soldiers begin to walk towards me. They grab my arms and begin hauling me to the flying vehicle. I attempt to struggle. Suddenly I hear Kelex's voice.

"Kal, remember your strength comes not only from the Sun but also yourself," He says.

I look at the Sun shining down on me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Then I blow, releasing a strong gust of wind that sends all of the soldiers flying into the air. The General looks back and sees that I am free.

"How did you-!" He asks with a shocked look on his face

"You underestimate me!" I say, smirking.

I run away before he gets another chance to capture me. I look behind me to see if he is still in sight.

Superman: Soldier [DC Antiverse]Where stories live. Discover now